-CHAPTER 2: The News and Weirdo-

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"Is there a number? So we can call your parents?" Mike asked Eleven still looked scared."What happened to your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin and Mike said frantically. "Did you run away?" Lucas asked, "Are you in some type of trouble?" Mike asked. "Is that blood?" Lucas reached towards Eleven and Mike flicked his hand away.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out!" "She's freaking me out!" Lucas and Mike argued. Mike asked Eleven still looked scared. "I bet she's deaf," Dustin clapped his hands in front of her, she got more scared. "Here," you walked over to the laundry basket and grabbed a set of your nightclothes. 

You handed them to Eleven and walked her to the bathroom you started to close the door, but she stopped you before you could close it completely. "You don't want the door closed?" you asked, "No," Eleven replied and looked down. "It's okay, I'll leave it like this," you closed the door a bit and left a gap, Eleven nodded. You walked back to the group of boys, "This is mental." Dustin pacing the room. "At least she can speak," you and Mike both said. "She only said "no," Your three-year-old sister says more." Lucas complained, "There's something seriously wrong with her. Like, wrong in the head." Lucas was freaking out a bit. "I bet she escaped from Pennhurst." Lucas jumped to conclusions, "From where?" Mike asked, "The nuthouse in Kerley County." Lucas said and sighed. "You got a lot of family there?" Dustin said and smiled like an idiot, "Bite me," Lucas threatened. 

"Seriously, though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy." Lucas was jumping to conclusions, like always. "She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a psycho." Lucas says and looks towards the bathroom, "Like Michael Myers." Dustin added "Exactly!" Lucas threw his hands in the air. "We shouldn't have ever brought her here." Lucas sighed, "So you wanted to leave her out in that storm? (Y/n) was generous enough to give her a jacket and clothes!" Mike said a bit angry. "Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem." Lucas said back, "I think we should tell your mom." Dustin added "I second that," Lucas interrupted. "Who's crazy now?" Mike said, "How is that crazy?" Lucas said. You looked at Mike and Mike looked at you then you both sighed, " 'Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?" Mike and you said in unison, "So?" Lucas added, "So if I tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom, and (Y/n) mom.." Mike said, "Oh man." Dustin realized, "Our houses become Alcatraz," Lucas added. "Not mine," you blurted out everyone looked at you, "My mom and dad are never home, that's why I stay at Mike's all the time. So, maybe she can stay in my house." the guys looked at you, Mike agreed and so did you. 

"Then tomorrow night, we can actually look for Will," Mike said, "C'mon follow me, were just going to my house no big deal." you walked out the door with Mike and Eleven followed. You unlocked the front door and Eleven walked in, "Are you gonna' be okay tonight?" Mike asked clearly concerned, "Yeah, I have my radio and you have yours, Mike can I tell you something?" Mike nodded, "What is it?" Mike said and smiled a bit. You leaned a bit closer and smiled, "Mike Wheeler, you are adorable and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime?" Mike smiled and so did you. "Of course! Ehem, I mean yeah, sure." you laughed and so did he, you leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He was wide-eyed but also happy, "See you tomorrow Wheeler!" you yelled as he started to walk off, "See you tomorrow, (Y/l/n)!" you closed the door and sighed. 

"Hey," you heard Eleven say, "Oh, hey. You hungry? You can go wherever you want, nobody's here. Just ask me if you need something." Eleven followed you to your room, you started to close all the blinds in the house just in case someone did see Eleven. You sat on your bed and Eleven sat on your sister's, "Who sleeps here?" Eleven asked. "My sister. She got taken." you blatantly said, "Papa?" she asked you nodded. "Your name is Eleven, correct?" you blurted out. She slowly nodded her head, "How did you know," she said quietly, "Well, I'm like you. I have powers too. And so do my parents, my family is coming home in a few days they also have powers so it won't be a big deal." Eleven smiled and said, "What powers?" you smiled back at her, "I can change time and see your future and the future." she nodded. 

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