-CHAPTER 5: The Flea and The Acrobat, I suppose-

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Mike and everyone else got me and Eleven to his house safely. We were now on the couch discussing what happened, I leaned on Mike, my head on his shoulder as Eleven was on the opposite side of the couch. "What was Will saying? Like Home... Like Home... but dark?" Mike said slowly getting up and I was now sitting alone. "And empty." Lucas added. "Empty and Cold. Wait, did he say cold?" Dustin asked and I nodded. "What did he say about you (Y/n)? That you made it warmer? You helped?" Mike asked and I nodded. "I knew. He was going to go, that he had to go. So, I gave him a bag full of supplies to help him" I replied, "You knew?" Lucas added and I nodded. 

"Well, why didn't you stop whatever from getting him?" Lucas said a bit mad. "It was destiny, nothing could prevent it. Even if I did warn him it would try to get Will in his sleep. Or when he was alone. It was unpreventable." I retorted getting up but was still sore. "Anyways, back to before." Mike said, "Like home... Like his house?" Mike said questionably. "Like Hawkins!" Lucas said me and Eleven looked at each other. "Upside down." We both said at the same time. "What?" Lucas asked, "Upside down. Guys-" I got up weakly and sat at the at the table. 

"When Eleven showed us where Will was, she flipped the board, remember? The Upside Down. Dark, Empty, Cold." I stated. "Do you understand what she's talking about?" Lucas said to Dustin then looked at Mike, "Ohhh!" Mike said and nodded. "Nope," Dustin said looking back over at me as I rolled my eyes. "Just think about it, when El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?" Mike interrupted sitting across from me. 

"Yeah, and he wasn't there." Lucas said, "But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side?" Mike said. "What if-" Mike flipped the board. "This is Hawkins and..." he flipped the board to the dark side. "This is where Will is? The Upside Down." Mike stated. "Like the Vale of Shadows." Dustin added, "You guys only understand when we use game language, thanks a lot, I'll keep that noted for next time I need to explain something complex." I said sarcastically.

 I got up and Dustin went to grab the book instead so I sat back down. "The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a reflection or echo of our world. It's a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase, a place of monsters. It is right next to you and you don't even see it." Dustin stated and we all looked at each other. "An alternate dimension." Mike added. "But.. how.. How do we get there?" Lucas asked, "You cast shadow walk." Dustin answered, "In real life, dummy." Lucas said. "We can't shadow walk, but... Maybe they can." Dustin looked at me and Eleven. 

"Even better-" I added. "I know someone who can." I smirked an looked at Eleven. "Were there any other kids that they tested on?" I asked and she thought for a second, it looked like she remembered something. "Yes. Five others," she said and I looked at Lucas, Dustin, and Mike. "You know?" Mike asked and I nodded. "I know all those other kids in there. One including my sister." I replied. "Woah, wait. You have a sister?" Lucas asked and I nodded. "I'm not allowed to say much, I'll explain later," I said. "So, you know a way to go to the upside down?" Mike asked and I shook my head 'no'. "Oh my god," Lucas exclaimed. We all sat in silence for a second.


"Ah, dad you're choking me." Mike said as his father was adjusting his tie. "Ah... there. It's suppose to be a little tight." he replied. "Looks good." he said. "Here we go." Mrs. Wheeler said as she zipped up Nancy's black dress. "You look nice, sweetie." she complimented her daughter, "Anything else? You can borrow my black heels if you want. The ones you wore to Cathy's birthday." she asked, "I'm fine. Thanks." Nancy replied looking at herself in the mirror.

"And done. So, honey. Did Will actually die?" June asked her "daughter" and (Y/n) shook her head 'No'. "It's a fake, the body I mean. But mom-" she turned around. "You need to help, you have to be involved. You need to do your part. Remember, my sister? Angel. We need to get her back. I know it's risky. But you'll need to sneak into Hawkins and find all five of my friends. And bring them here. They need to help." you started putting on her black headband. June nodded, "We'll help, we'll do everything we can." she replied.

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