One thing after another

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"ARAHH!" I shot up completely drenched in cold sweats, my heart beating miles a minute, I looked around and sigh in relief, I'm home..
I go to get crawl out but only made it an inch off my bed till I collapsed on the floor.. just another one of those days.
Ever since the day Tord disappeared from my life again it was never the same, I've been paranoid ever since, every day it seemed the nightmares Tord leaving me for good and of being hunted grew stronger. Then it kept getting worse, it would repeat and repeat only it kept getting long, endlessly running from nothing, endlessly running trying to catch Ford who was so close in my grip but I could never catch him.
Tears started rolling down my eyes.. I couldn't take it anymore, the medication slowly became useless and now my sleeps been limited to 4 hours on a good night. I crawled making it to the desk in the corner of my bedroom. As I sat up I stared at the slits lying in my wrists, the tears dropped over them as the fresh blood was smeered everywhere. Im never in the right state of mind when I'm trying to die, it's always when I'm drunk, each time I wake up the wounds grow deeper and deeper..
I jolted as I hear a soft knock on the door
"Tom..? You up"
Oh it's Edd.. Ever since the week after Tord left I became a horrible mess, worrying Matt and Edd as they were moment away from witnessing my death, so they decided we should all move into a house in a calm area.. I chuckled a bit and whispered
"Im truely pathetic.."
I wiped my eyes with my sleeve as Edd routenly enters my room to see how I'm doing, mostly to bandage the wounds I've enflicted on myself, or to check up on what I last ate. Every time he enters the painful pitiful expression he gives me is burnt into my mind.
"Wrists..." He whispers, I hesitated to show him cause this time I know it's bad, he grabs my hand reliving it then sighing. I go to utter sorry but nothing come out, I just look away as he wraps my wrist, I'm shocked as he's arms wrap around me in a tight hug
"E-edd?" I whisper but we just sat there in silence.
What broke the silence was Matt walking in
"Oh group hug!!" He yelled joining in trying to lighten the mood in my room but barely working.
"Are you hungry?" Edd says looking at my but I shake my head no, I haven't even since yesterday's breakfest but that left me sick, I couldn't handle food much anymore.
"Well if your hungry just ask and we'll make your favourites" I smiled as they quietly left my room. I've lost so much weight these past years, meals were the last thought in my mind through all this. To hide how less I weighted my overly large blue hoodie did the trick, I looked over at the time and muttered
"how is it midnight already..."
I got up and walked over to the window, I've been stuck inside this room for who knows how long.. it would hurt to take a quick walk, preferably to the liquor store knowing my stock is getting low again. The problem with this is getting past Edd and Matt who are always watching their favorite cartoon at this time of night.
I walked out of my room softly shutting the down behind me as I checked to see where I left my shoes, as I slipped my shoes on I heard Edd burst out in laugher yelling at Matt to watch, this was my chance. I sped walked out the door closeing it behind me standing there listen to see if they noticed. I sigh as I heard Matt now burst into laugher, Edd yelling "NO MATT THE POPCORN" I couldn't help but to chuckle before slowly walking down into town not really knowing where or how long I'll be out.
The cool fall breeze felt nice through my hair as I made my way through town, I mostly stared at the ground as I walked but the times I'd look up was to see where I wandered.
I sighed as I looked up to see I was making my way to the park, I slowly made my way up the hill of it to stand in the middle and see how much this junk has changed, I started to remember how we all played here as children, how we loved to climb the equipment but mostly fell hard off it. I sighed as I was currently lost in my thoughts till something caught the corner of my eye, I looked over to see a figure in red, I gasp as it fit the figure of Tord.
"TORD" I screamed and he turned and started to run
"WAIT!!" I chased down the hill and after him, tears ran down my cheeks this time it might be him!! I booked around the people walking around the streets till I could barely run anymore, u somehow ended up at the other side of town where it more woods. I collapsed to my knees and panted as tears ran down my cheeks, each time I see him I should know it's an illusion but I can't help my self.. the littlest hope in me think it's actually him.. I sat there bawling and pitying myself for a good 15 minutes till I got the energy to get back into my feet, I go to turn around when I was met with a red vehicle approaching me to a slow halt. I stares at it questioning why then go to walk back into town till the door opens
"Aye you!" The man called with a thick accent "Come with me"
I hesistated staring at him, the dude smirks crossing his arms "Whats there to lose if u hop in?"
At least I could agree with him, I shrugged and walked over getting into the passanger side, I was walking for an adventure anyways, what's the difference with this?
I sighed and stared out the window as the car moved, it was silent besides the music, but that was on low so I could barely make out what it was playing.
"You don't remember me?" He said breaking the silence, I looked at him studying his face then shaking my head, he chuckled glancning at me
"Well didnt expect u to anyways, we havent properly met"
We pulled into a long driveway covered with trees till we halted at a wooden cabin, he turns and looks at me
"The names Patryck" he says before getting out of the car, I sit there confused before I got out watching him make his was up the stairs then turning to signal me in. I made my way standing next to him as he entered, I sighed and followed.
"I'm home" he yelled out while walking into the living room, a dude came out from the kitchen silently, waving at Paul and I
"Hey" he greeted us, then a figure came up from the couch staring me dead in the eyes. I wasn't prepared for this, I couldn't make a word or movement, my eyes widen as the figure stood up facing me completely..

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