Forget me not

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I dazed out the window at the new scenery's america had presented me that i have not yet taken in, the beauty that lays in this ugly corrupted world.. or at least that's was what i thought, but yet again it could be me being salty over silly things again. But i still hold meanings behind these mindless words. I let out a sigh glancing over to the driver of this car, how i longed to be in peace with my family again, but yet there was one missing.. and i will not give up on trying to get him back. After receiving the surrender of our neighboring enemies The Blue Army after the downfall of half of Denmark, us The Red Army, shows we mean business. I couldn't help but smirk at this remark as what i was ordered to accomplish was done and i Tord Larrsin is a free man, free to do what ever he desired now! Right after i read the document i ordered a full army meeting to promote the next Leader in charge, the one i had been planning to take over my place for awhile now and finally that day came, the only part i dreaded was the sappy speech i would have to say, but i knew that it would hold deep meaning, me leaving behind my soilde- no.. the comrades, my friends and family like members i grown up and hung around, i was not prepared for the emotion and feeling of leaving behind memories and feelings held close together but i had already made up the path i made for myself, to be with Tom.. After all of this was done i had around 2 days to pack up all our shit and head to America, all i could feel was a mixture of happiness and nervousness in my system, and oh was that a thrill!

I turn to see the sunset over the open water we pass before it turns to a deep forest.. past our hometown and little high school memories, all that should be on my mind now is finding Thomas, embracing him and telling him i'm here now, but theirs a fear blocking me from openly doing that, the fear of the one i love hating me, fearing me, hating me for who and what i became and how i left him yet again. I sink back into my seat my mind turning into a battle ground corrupted with my own thoughts.. The fear of being forgotten... it may sound silly, a grown ass man who was an ex-Leader of an army for gods sake worrying over pointless things in the eyes of others, but a part of me made it seem so true, so real, that this is the outcome he had been presented, the fate he did not wish for..

We soon reached our new home, a cabin surrounded by trees. Me and Paul did most of the heavy lifting as Pat was inside tidying and putting things away. We got that done quicker then expected but its not like we owned much anyways. I sighed stepping inside my room taking in my surroundings, new yet pleasant, i turn to see my reflection staring back at me fro the full body mirror Pat put in here, why? i step closer staring at my now changed self, letting my fingers trace around the scars i gotten from my past missions. I walked over to my dresser pulling out all of my clothing to find my old sweater and flower crown i had gotten back from Tom years ago, after putting it on i turned to look at myself in the mirror, the corners of my mouth curling into a smile but soon faded as i started to study myself, i tore off my eye patch reviling my blind eyes and rolling up my sleeve to stare at my inhuman arm, Tom wont like this, what if it freaks him out? what if he thinks i'm a freak?! I walk closer standing face to face with the man in the mirror, my messed up mind imagining the face of my past self, so happy.. so naive, how i was carefree those days but now everywhere i walk, everything i see is corrupted, my twisted mind changing everything negative, seeing all that i enjoyed turn to that depressing shade of grey. My hands made their way up to my 2 devil horn slowly gripping and pulling at it as i fell to my knees my mind battling itself again 

"WHAT IS THIS, WHAT AM I?" i screamed as i lowered my hands sitting there in silence not even expecting a response, the question i ask on repeat but the only answer i receive is silence. i feel a chuckle rumble from the bottom of my chest that soon busted into a full on laughing fit, i try to stand as tears escape from my eyes

"I'm me~ as fucked up as it gets" i smile at myself remembering how to smile like i did back then, i turn and walk out the door making my way down the stairs and into the living room, i remember Pat telling me he would be out grabbing groceries for dinner, i decided to lay down on the couch to await his arrival which probably wont take to long

I open my eyes at the sound of the door opening, i listened to be met with the voice of Pat yelling out "I'm home!~" and later to Paul greeting him, but somethings off... another pair of footsteps is with them? i slowly rise to greet whoever Pat brought along but to my surprise i froze right in my tracks at i met eye to eye with the person that entered out home....

And oh boy how i was not prepared...



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