I'm only human after all..

305 9 18

I let out a sigh burrowing my face into my hands surrounded by the paperwork that honestly should've been done earlier... i stare at it through my fingers with regret, my nasty habit of leaving things till the last minute sure was shining through this time. I let another sigh escape my mouth as i lean back into my chair having a mini debate in my head as if i should look at the clock or not, which ended very one sided as i tilted my head to see the time 

"Half past noon.." i mumbled to myself now staring at my emptied morning cup of coffee which was made hours ago, the more i stared into it the deeper i got lost into my mind which brought back memories of a few days ago.. i grumbled remembering my childish mental breakdown.. My hand begins wandering through my hair before i began tugging on a horn of mine "argghh..." i grumbled as i felt my face heat up, all i could think about is how childish i get after the missions i go on, the red leader of all people weeping the fuck out of his eyes.. pathetic.. but to be fair and thankful it was only my 2 closest people who knew, Paul and Pat.

I began to chip away at the rest of my paperwork softly humming to myself for the next half hour till there was a sudden banging at my door, causing me to jump and mess up my writing. I look down silently swearing under my breath before i call out in a clear voice "Enter"

Pat flung open the door stumbling over to make it to me, I immediately stand watching my solider on the brisk of tears, every horrible outcome washing through my mind. {at just sighs catching his breath before looking at me, a huge grin placed across his face

"Red Le- Tord!!" he yells overly excited, i sigh sitting back down in my seat leaning my head against my hand 

"Yes?" Pat quickly holds up a paper pushing it so close to my face i could barely could read it

"II-TS THE BLUE ARMY, AFTER WHAT WE DID TO THEIR TERRITORY THEY SURRENDERED!" Pat screamed, i quickly grabbed the sheet gripping it tightly as i scanned over the document 

"Oh my.." i whisper under my breath as tear began to scatter across the sheet, i feel a warmth wrapped around me as i see Pat pulling me into a hug.

"We can finally go home now.." He whispers tears also escaping from his eyes... 


I'm coming home, my love....


Sorry, 1 its short, 2 i'm an awwwful writer Jesus >.>, 3 this doesn't even seem like an alternate ending to me.. i feel sad writing it cause i feel like its not good enough :/ Sorry ask_eddsworld_boys12.. disappointment

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