Feel it still

252 6 13

Tom pov

"Tom..." i listened to the hush that silenced the room that was drowned behind a thick accent, the room instantly becoming tense as a stared wide eye. All i could do was watch as the man began to swiftly approach me, my breathing becoming uneven as if a huge weight has been put on top of me, crushing whats left of me. Yet was greeted with a strong embrace, yet gentle to the touch, enough to make my body tingle leaving a numb sensation through me. I barely noticed how much i was shaking until my feet gave out beneath me leaving both of us to crashed to our knees, only after that was more silence, enough to hear a pin drop yet not uncomfortable to be in, at least for us.

What did break the silence was the door closing behind us, Paul and Pat escaping so we were here alone,

"Thomas.. tom, tom!" the embrace around em tightens causing me to flinch, leaving my mouth open, my brain not being able to conjure up words, only leaving me shaking uncontrollable as the corners of my mouth curl up into a grin "You not here, this is all a dream" i manage to say my voice cracking through it all. My arms crawling their way up his back, clutching him as tight as my frail arms could "please don't go.."  i choked out, not wanting this this to end, my face borrowing itself into the pit of his neck, the musk of him coming off strong. Whimpering as the as the grin i had turned into a grief expression, my lips curling down as i try my hardest to hold back tears, breathing becoming almost impossible. I move myself into whatever space was left between me and him making myself as close as possible

"I'm home"

A/N: I'm an angsty motherfucker

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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