chapter 1: If you're wrong and there is hell... then I guess I'll see you there

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Bellamy's P.O.V

I sat, i waited, people died. I was done sitting here on this cold pavement foreseeing her taking her last breath, in someone else's arms. If they wouldn't let me out, i would have to escape. Clarke, let me say, was worth the risk. I chewed impatiently at the rope holding my cut hands together.


Turning the corner of my man made cell, i rushed behind the wall hearing Miller's voice echoing through the camp. I felt a breeze fly past, my time was here. I sprinted across the grass that was left and picked up a gun on my way out. I glanced down for a brief moment, although obviously long enough for me to slam into Raven, whom was taken aback. I grabbed her hand before she had a chance to fall over.

'Bellamy what the hell.' she glanced down at the gun poking out of my waist band. 'Where are you going?' she inquired. 'Clarke, she's still out there, she would never leave me. I'm only returning the favour.' I insisted . 'And Monty, Jasper? The rest of our people. Wait let me understand, Monty and Jasper, there not cute blonds are they? Which i'm guessing makes them lower on your to-do list.' she joked. I couldn't help the blush from spreading across my face. 'We sent Finn to find her days ago' I ranted. 'So will you help me get out or question me all day?' Raven gave me a wink before walking off and collapsing to the ground.

The four guys we had stationed at the gates who had been focused on me all day, ran to her rescue helping her up. I smirked at the scene before me, then ran through the gates. By the time they realised i'd left it was too late. I was this much closer to Clarke, and that felt good.


Clarke's P.O.V
I had last recalled Anya's hands tying me here leaving me against this tall tree. I slid my hands out of the rope behind my back, as my fingertips grazed my shoulder I winced. The cold infected cut, irritated started dripping blood. "How?" I pondered. It can't be this easy to get away. And it wasn't.

I ran through the forest holding my shoulder occasionally wiping blood from the corner of my mouth.

I sprinted away from one trap into another. Before I knew it a cable tightened around my ankle yanking me 30 feet it the air. I dangled helpless between two trees.
Bellamy's P.O.V
The scream that penetrated my ears had a familiarity to it. Finn.
"What have you gotten yourself into now?" I joked to myself heading towards the sound.

As I approached, Finn was bent down beside a log, grasping something in his dirt covered hands. Clarke's watch. He spoke next. " They took her, I'll kill them." " Finn" I stammered. " How do we know she didn't just lose it" he smashed his fist into the ground. " She would never take this off." he stared at me vulnerably. " What if she's dead." Finn muttered. I pick him up by his collar forcing his back into a tree. My arm rested across his neck. " She's not" I shouted. He stared into my eyes with surprise all over his. "Sorry" I stammered. " But we can't lose hope now."

Clarke's P.O.V
I awoke upside down in the same place I had been for who know's how long. I stared up, I could feel someone staring back at me. The eyes cut though my skin. I stared the only direction I could, down. Two figures spoke quietly underneath me.
"Bellamy" I shouted. "Bellamy and Finn" I hoped.

Bellamy P.O.V
Her voice, sent shivers down my spine. "Clarke" I boomed. Finn's eyes immediately stared scanning the forest. "Clarke!" He screamed at his turn. We listened, silence flooded our ears. "I heard her, you heard her right?" Finn fumed. I struggled to speak, I had heard her, I would recognise her voice anywhere, but the question was where was she. "Yes" I admitted followed by a scream, not my scream though. "Hurt her and I'll kill you" Finn screamed at whoever was listening. Whoever was listening, most likely a grounder, didn't care. We finally located Clarke dangling above us. "Clarke" " Hold on we'll get you" Clarke only nodded half unconscious. Before anyone could blink another muscular shape appeared in the tree beside her. Axe in hand he begun to dig through the cable holding her in the air.
" Don't" I protested. Clarke screamed as the rope around her left foot let go, leaving her only hanging from her second foot. Finn and I, looked at each other, we both knew that drop would be very hard to survive.

Clarke's P.O.V
I hung loosely with my life in the hands of someone I barely knew. The moment he decided, I would drop through green blurs to what would most likely be my death. He had decided. The last sounds I heard was the cold goodbye from the shape as I fell I could catch the screams from below me, Bellamy and Finn and my own internal worries.

Guys, this is my first Bellarke fanfic. I hope you guys like it. : Finn will not be dying in this fic, and the ark will not be on the ground yet. (Abby, Kane, Jaha etc) :) Comment suggestions for chapter 2 and don't forget to vote.

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