chapter 2: fear is death

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Clarke's P.O.V

The world around me stopped. I fell unaware, as though my mind had exited my body.

The endless fall had come to an end, I felt my back crash under a tree branch. And all waited, I was still maybe 10 ft from the ground I had predicted as i carefully stared down at my surroundings.

Bellamy stood blank, as Finn screamed at him. 'Move, Bellamy do something.' he screamed. Both feeling helpless.

The last thing I remember before the weight of my eyes had finally been lifted was Finn's voice echoing through the isolated yet full forest.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I stared uncontrollably as Clarke fell faster and faster until a thin branch caught her, stopping her fall.

Finn spoke next 'Clarke' he pleaded. 'I'm coming, don't move.'

'I wasn't planning on it' she joked.

A small smile spread across my face. Even Finn started laughing as he ran from behind me. I followed him to the nearest tree, already knowing his plan. ' I'll climb the tree, and grab her. Be ready to-' 'Got it space walker, you climb I catch.' I interrupted.

He sneered at me, i had guessed was a result of the nickname. Finn and I, hadn't gotten along at the best of times. I didn't agree with almost everything that came out of his mouth and I knew the feeling was mutual. But in this moment he was helping me rescue Clarke, and for that, and only that, I would be grateful.

Finn's P.O.V

I dug my nails into the dry tree bark, my feet following slowly behind. I was so close to getting to Clarke, i grabbed the branch that had saved her from the fall and lifted myself to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. For a minute she wasn't stuck in a tree, for a minute I thought she forgave me, I had hated hurting her when Raven came to the ground, but she wanted space and that's what I gave her.

I stared down at the ground Bellamy standing there a pained expression on his face. Suddenly I realised the mission. I separated myself from Clarke. 'We're gonna get you home, okay?' She nodded. I glanced Bellamy's way and hesitantly let Clarke out of my arms. She was dropped the rest of the way down, into Bellamy's arms. I rolled my eyes, climbing back down the tree.

Bellamy's P.O.V

'Graceful landing, Princess.' I whispered to Clarke. She smiled. 'Better have been.' she humoured. I gently let her out of my arms, she stood, until her knees gave out. Almost as a reflex I wrapped my arms around her waist, stabilizing her.

'Carrying it is.' I said. Picking her up bridal style. Finn who'd just landed from the tree, did not like the scene in front of him. I wrapped my hands tighter around Clarke's waist, taunting him.

'Let's just go' he grunted.


As we walked along, getting closer to camp, my curiosity took over. I turned to Clarke. 'Where were you, where did they take you?' I pondered not knowing exactly who 'they' were. An expression of pain and guilt crossed her face. 'They' she started, 'Want us.' I could tell how hard it was for her to speak about it, I dropped it, I could wait till morning.

Clarke's P.O.V

Walking through the too familiar gates, or should i say being carried, happened in slow motion. Everyone staring at me, whispering. They thought I was dead, yet here i was.

Octavia shortly ran towards me. I tapped Bellamy letting him know to put me down. Uneasily he let me go keeping a reassuring hand on my side. I was sure that was to annoy Finn, but i let him keep it there because i felt safe that way.

Something about his vibe made me feel secure. Octavia rammed into me causing me to step back her arms thrown around me. ' I thought you were dead' she cried. ' Where are the others?' she asked. I immediately addressed the crowd around us.

' We leave tomorrow morning, for our people. We don't rest till they're all safe. Be ready'

I found myself turning to Octavia, 'we'll find them' I promised. Octavia nodded and slowly walked away dragging her feet.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I caught myself staring at Clarke my hand still on her waist. I shook myself back into reality. She was back and for now, she was safe. I felt a pang in my stomach. Why did I care so much? I had come down here for Octavia. To protect her. Now I found myself gravitating towards Clarke. Clarke pivots on her heels turning to face me. I laughed at the sight of a piece of tree bark caught in her dirty blonde hair. I reached out my hand carefully picking it out, as my hand brushes past her cheek I remember all our great memories, her tripping in the water as she grabbed me to steady herself, in a result we both splashed into the lake, soaking wet for the trip back to camp. Her eyes wondered from mine slowly tracing my face ending at my lips, she focused on them for a moment before looking at the ground. I felt something bubbling inside me. I cupped her cheeks with my large hands making her look at me, and before my mind registered I was crashing my lips into hers.

Update:) yay! more Bellarke moments to come. Love your comments, message me with any suggestions for Chapter 3.

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