chapter 11: let the games begin

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Bellamy's P.O.V
My brain shut down as the words burned throughout my ears.

I stutter begging to have heard wrong.

'What" I asked indifferent.

Calm, that's what I had to be, calm. Easier said than done, shock Octavia or Clarke.

What kind of sick game was this, when I glanced up at the creator of the game, I insinuated it was about to get worse.

'Oh I'm sorry darling, did I stutter?' She sneered. 'I said which of these two incredibly lovely ladies should I electrocute?' She cackled.

My hands reached my temples applying pressure.
How was I suppose to fix this, they counted on me they all did, Clarke Octavia Monty Jasper everyone else! I had let them down.

I had nothing in me left to fight yet I was not willing to go down without a fight.

As my hands left my vision I was left staring at Clarke, worry on her face guards on her arms and a taser pressed against her back.

I begged myself to think, but as I caught glance of Octavia weak in the arms of the men, as well a taser digging into her back, I lost train of thought.

When my eyes finally removed themselves from Octavia's , Clarke gave me head tilt, one I knew too well.

I knew what she was telling me.

But somehow.

I froze.

Sitting in the drop ship only a short day of being on earth, I watched protectively as Octavia wondered the new terrain. Until I small blonde figure sat beside me.

'You know you don't have to sit here all dad like watching her like a hawk' the stranger said.

' Really?' I sneered sarcastically not so subtly wishing she would go away.

'I'm Clarke' she said reaching her hand out.

'Bellamy' I replied, giving in. But leaving my hand we're it was.

'I know' she smirked.

My eyes lifted from my hands that rested on my lap.

"And how do you know that?"
I asked agitation évident in my voice.

"The guy with a sister, news travels fast" she spoke a light humour in her voice.


Wait what.

"Bellamy" Clarke said again, snapping me out of my daydream.

I opened my eyes eerie, I looked at Clarke pain in my eyes, I knew what she would say , I always knew what she was thinking and sometimes I hated it, sometimes I wish she would just not be so brave, and let me save her.

"It's okay" she said a pity smile on her face.

" I can take it" she said.

I knew she could. She was the strongest person I'd ever met.

I knew she could defend herself against any enemy.

But it was different this time, it wasn't jut any enemy, it was me. In this moment I was the enemy.

I couldn't even look at her, I looked down at my feet.

"Tick tock" the sick girl behind all of this giggled.

I looked over at Octavia she was almost already passed out, I knew what I had to do, but how, how could I do this, become who she was afraid of.

"I don't have all day" the author of the game stated.

"Okay guards" she started " Electrocute them both, it seems as Bellamy is unsure , let's help him decide" she sneered pointing at the guards.

" No!" I cried

"I made a decision "

I lifted my arm and pointed towards my decision.

"Very good Bellamy, okay you heard him guards , her" she cackled.

YAYAYA! Update so sorry it took so long things have been a little crazy with school and work:( it's up tho! YAYA please vote and comment!
Feedback is always welcome!

I just published a new book, ' Maybe Not' it's a teen fiction and I would love some feedback on how you guys like it! Go check it out!

Xoxo( more updates to come)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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