chapter 3: maybe there are no 'good guys'

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Bellamy's P.O.V
I had been craving this, without knowing it, her lips on mine, my hands on her. It was my escape my safe place, she was. Clarke was taken aback as I closed the space between us. My hand wrapped around her waist, hers caught in my hair. As we pulled apart I could feel everyone's eyes on us. " Not bad princess" I smirked trying to hold back the smile that quickly spread across my lips. Our perfect moment was thrown to the ground as I followed Clarke's eyes as they met Finn's, whom was standing slightly behind us. He stared in disbelief, anger bubbling inside him. I smiled at myself proud that I had been the one to bring it out. "What the hell" he stammered grabbing my collar and forcing me against the gate. Air was sucked out of my lungs as I collided with the metal. I wasn't worried about Finn. If I had to I could knock him out instantaneously, let's hope it didn't come to that, he needed to take his anger out on someone, that someone happened to be me. "If you forgot you've got a girlfriend, spacewalker" I spit the words out at him. His fist hit the side of my face, blood rushing down my nose and mouth, he walked away smiling. I steadied myself, walking towards him, an arm was crossed over my chest preventing me from following after him. Clarke's arm.

Finn P.O.V
I walked off needing more than a minute to calm down. "How hadn't I noticed them before." I snapped at myself angry. The memory of him touching her, kissing her was tattooed in my memory. I wasn't angry anymore, I was hurt. And I knew I had no right to be, everyone knew Clarke and I had had a thing, just like everyone knew I broke her heart. I was mad, mad at myself. I had hurt her, and deep down I knew she would move on, but this fast? And to Bellamy? Redness spread across my face, anger once again finding its way to me.

Clarke's P.O.V
I sat in my tent my head held in my palms, I relived Bellamy's unexpected kiss, Finn's face. Bellamy bleeding as Finn walked away. I had always felt something for Bellamy, he understood me I understood him, he watched out for me and protected me, I respected him. Did I like Bellamy? A sudden pang in my stomach told me to take a walk outside, clear my head. As I slip my arms into my jacket in quietly unzipped my tent. It was dark, everyone was asleep this the camp was composed of my breathing and the wind.
I sat at the river skipping rocks, as they landed into the cold water. What had I done? Kissing Bellamy felt so natural so pure. But Finn, he had ripped my heart and stomped on it, why did I feel hope in his reaction. Did he still care? My thought process was u interrupted by a tall figure appearing and sitting beside me. " Couldn't sleep?" Bellamy asked me. " Well neither could you apparently" I joked. I smiled at his smile. It felt right, sitting her with him.
Bellamy's P.O.V
I stared at Clarke as she tucked a small piece of her hair behind her ear. " How did you know I was here?" She asked, genuinely curious. I pondered for a moment, I was sitting my the campfire as she came out of her tent. Somehow I felt uneasy letting her leave alone so I backtracked into my tent and had grabbed my jacket to meet her at the place I knew she had gone. The river.
" I told you" he stared " I know you" he finished.
As me and Clarke walked through the tall trees in the dimmed forest, neither of us spoke. I looked over at her, a determined look on her face, I wondered what she was thinking. Was about Finn? It pained me to think of that, only because I detested Finn, I said trying to convince myself. Clarke and I, we were leaders and that, was all we could be.
:) update. Shorter chapter I know, kind of a filler for the bigger stuff coming. Please leave comments and vote, it makes my day:) Also, like always suggestions are very welcome. Xo, chapter 4 to come.

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