chapter 5: I'm gonna get you out of here

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Bellamy's P.O.V

"Is this going to get us all killed?" Miller questioned incredulity seeping through his voice.

I opened my mouth in a reassuring manner, knowing I had to calm the small group of 4. The words barely left my mouth before another ones replaced them.


"This is insane, It's not going to get us all killed because we're not doing it." She spoke looking to Octavia for support, who stood void staring at the ground.

I guessed it was a reaction to what I had done. Volunteering myself to be our distraction. But it had to be done, and I wasn't going to let Clarke nor Octavia volunteer so I did. It was the best for our people.

Clarke's voice shredded my thoughts.

"Bellamy" she began looking into my eyes begging me to give in.

But this was not a simple disagreement, this was life or death, and I was willing to sacrifice my life for there's. The thought of losing Clarke, leaving behind Octavia and the 100, I stopped myself 51 I corrected myself thinking of Atom 6 feet underground. But now, now was no time to be selfish, this had to be done. And I couldn't let my emotions blur my perception.

"It has to be done" I spoke leaving no room for argument.

For a moment everything was silent and I truly believed she wouldn't say anything more. But this was Clarke there was always room for arguments.

"It's too dangerous" compassion making its way into her words.

She cared, that much I knew.

My heart beat sped. She cared. And if I died, she would care. It would compromise her leadership, and in this fight against earth losing was no option nor was losing both leaders. If I died she had to be strong, for our people.

And in that moment, I knew what was painfully necessary.

She had to forget about me.

About us. If you could even call it an 'us'.

"I don't need you." I spoke harshly, the words i'd wanted to say threatening to spill.

I pushed through her pained expression, I pushed through Octavia's glances and continued, now was no time to be selfish.

" I can take care of myself Clarke, worry about someone who cares." I groaned.

Silence consumed the forest, no one wanting to follow my words.

" Let's get back to camp, we need our rest, we leave tomorrow." I shot, leading the way.
The plan? It was simple. Leaving bright and early, we would make our way south, following Clarke's directions, being the only one who had been there, she needed to lead the way.

That's where I come in. I was too get in, Raven would be unlocking the doors at our signal. I would distract the guards, more than likely get taken captive while the others escaped.

The idea left an unsettled knot in my stomach.

I glanced behind at Clarke as she immediately avoided my eyes.

I deserved that. The words i'd told her weren't true but never the less they had to be said and I knew they hurt her, but she had to stay unaffected when I died.

The only way to do that, make her hate my guts, while I was still breathing.

In that moment oxygen was hard to find.

Clarke was my oxygen, and what do you do when you have to give that up?


Author's note

Updatttteeee:) AHHHH this chapter killed me to write, I hate when they fight! Shorter chapter I know, but that means more updates! Vote and comment for another update:) Will Clarke forgive Bellamy? Who are these mysterious people? Will they succeed?

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