chapter 8: i will always love you

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S/O to my favorite human, Hannah. She is an all around amazing writer! Please check out her stories and profile! : ShadowsAndMoon

Jasper's P.O.V
"It can't be much longer by now, they have to be close." Monty tells me. I have a bit of trouble believing in such, considering it's been more than twenty four hours since sight of Bellamy or Clarke.

God knows that those two must be together. While lost in my thoughts, an well known voice gives me a rude awakening.

"Sleep well?" Oh god, not her. Please, let it be anyone but her.

"There's no time to wait for the leaders, the games will begin immediately" " Bring in both girls" The group looks at me, frightened and bewildered. Things are about to get a lot more hellish on my part.

"The games?" Monty asks me, the fear evident in his voice. I take a shuddering breath in, and turn on my heels to face satan.

"They'll come for us, and when they do you'll be sorry, until then hit me with your best shot." I say, terror seeping through my confident exterior.

A sick smile spread across her face as Harper and Monroe were dragged into the room by buff guards.

Harper griped to Monroe like her life depended on it, and frankly I suppose it did.

There faces puffy, eyes red thy ran towards us, forcing themselves in between me and Monty.

I didn't know what they'd been through, but I would find out later, we had more terrifying things to deal with at the moment.

"The rules?" The woman spoke, almost as if asking herself the question.

"There simple, pick and choose, who is your favourite? Are you selfless or rather selfish?"

I swallowed the fear I had, hoping to stay strong for the others.

" You will be given two options, answer quickly and no one will die, getting hurt though, I cannot promise that, that's what's the fun's about"

She paused for a brief calming moment.

I closed my eyes and for a moment I was back at day one on earth, joking around with Monty, not a care in the world, too busy looking around us at the amazing green fields.

But the disappointment I was left with when my eyes opened and I was back in this confined room, Harper and Monroe clutching to Monty and I.

"Who wants to begin?"

I'm about to volunteer myself when Monty steps out from beside me.

"Me" he says his hands evidently shaking.

God dammit Monty, I have no plan and no way to fight If something goes wrong.

So I do nothing I stand there blank and pray to whoever that's listening.

'Could this get any worse' I mutter to myself under my breath.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I had been wondering around for hours, the only thing keeping me going being the fact that Clarke and Octavia were safe, for the time being.

I picked up the pace, cursing the temperature, and my bad knees.

Wiping the dirt, sweat mixture that had formed on my face, with the back of my hand I urged myself to keep walking.

A twig near by snapping was the only thing that stopped me from my walking.

I immediately hunched down by reflex and focused my eyes on anything I could.

I saw mouvement from the corner of my eye, a broad man, moving towards me.

I tried to get up, but my legs didn't carry me. And the reason? I small needle was planted in my bicep.

My head felt heavier as my eyes close.

"We have both the leaders" the man spoke into his wallow talkie.

The last words I fully understood before drifting into what I hope was a sleep, and not death.

'Clarke' I muttered.

'Don't hurt her' I said as my head fell backwards hitting the rough ground.

This chapters longer:)))) some big stuff is going to happen!! Can we get 2 voted and 1 comment for the next chapter? Xoxox

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