chapter 4: time to do something stupid

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Jaspers P.O.V
I awoke screaming, I sat up soon realizing I had been on the floor.

Looking around, there were mirrors placed on every wall of the room.

I focused my hearing on the outside, and almost on cue, footsteps walked along the hallway. By instinct, I rushed across the room, gripping the lamp placed on my bedside. As a tall guard burst into the door, he was greeted with the lamp smashed against his temple, knocking him out cold.

'I was right to request backup' a thin girl, with long blonde hair spoke.

'Who are you?! Where are my friends?!' I screamed.

She giggled before guiding me out the door into the cold hallway. I burned the image of the rights and lefts we took into my brain, in case a quick escape was needed.

She led me towards a room with a huge window.

I peered through the enormous window and saw a scared looking Monty, along with Harper and Monroe.

My pace sped and I broke through the door. My body filled with adrenaline and anger, I was ready to fight, yet they seemed unharmed, I was unharmed, that, and only that was what refrained me from punching someone. The woman was now standing behind me, almost telling me to go first. I ran towards them and smashed into Monty giving him a hug.

' I thought you were dead.' he said pulling away.

' Nice to know you had faith' I replied sarcastically.

He laughed, his eyes shifted from mine to ones behind me. The woman stood surrounded by guards, scribbling notes, and watching us intently.

Her eyes burning into my back, I greeted Harper and Monroe with hugs, as well.

No one spoke. We simply stood staring at eachother, until the woman sliced through the silence.

'Their leaders are coming for them, they'll be here soon.' she paused briefly.

I knew she was talking about Clarke and Bellamy. I sighed, relieved. Clarke was our only hope. When she escaped, I had hope.

She waved off the guards. ' Take them away, leave the two boys' She pointed towards Monty and I.

I swallowed and stared at Monty, whom had the same reaction as me.

'Clarke, hurry up.' I mumbled and Monty nodded.

Clarke's P.O.V
My legs were becoming heavier as we continued walking, I led the group, mostly because I was the only one who knew where to go.

"Almost there?" Miller complained from behind me.

I didn't answer, only rushed forward. This all looked too familiar.

Bellamy's hand brushed against mine as I sped to the top of a slope.

I stared down the slope at the huge building. I stopped. " Were here." I stammered.

Bellamy spoke next. " You okay?" He said placing a reassuring hand on my lower back.

"Fine" I replied, beginning down the slope, until Bellamy held me back. He looked at me for a second, until turning to Miller Octavia and Finn.

" We're gonna need a plan"

Update:)) Shorter chapter I know. Do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters. Comments mean the world.

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