Chapter 5, is she ok?

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David's POV

As the paramedics roll Liza's gurney in to the hospital Liza opens her eyes. She sobs immediately and keeps gasping for air. "David!" She says in a voice that breaks my heart. They roll her away and a doctor walks near them, I grab his white doctors jackets collar. "You are going to fix her!" I yell at him angry and sobbing. "Sir, if you let go of me I'll do everything I can." He says in a calm voice. "Please sit down and call someone to be there for you." He adds. I sit down in a chair in the waiting room and call Gabbie.

10 minutes later Gabbie, Heath, Zane, Scotty, Kristen, Erin and Carly walk in. "David!" Gabbie yells as she sees me. "I was hanging out with them so I thought I'd take them with me." She says seeing I'm confused to see so many people. They all sit down and start asking questions. Once I all answered them everyone calms down. We all just sit there and no one knows what to do. 

2 hours have past and all of the girls are sleeping after they all cried together. I look around and see Heath slowly falling asleep. Zane kicks his shoulder. "Heath! Stay awake! We have to be there for David!" He loudly whispers. "It's ok, go to sleep. I'll wake you up when there's news."I say and after a while Zane and Heath are both sleeping. The only ones awake are me and Scotty. He sits down next to me and puts his arm on my shoulder.  Normally I'm not that weak, but I haven't slept well in days and I'm super worried. I begin to cry and Scotty comforts me. "It'll be ok man." He says. I nod but I'm not sure.

Then the doctor walks into the waiting room and looks at me. "David?" He asks. I stand up and nod. "Follow me please. Liza wants to see you very badly, she keeps asking for you." He says and in some type of weird way I'm glad to hear that. I walk next to the doctor and when he begins to speak. "Ok, so here's what's up. Liza had a surgery cause she had some internal bleedings, that's all ok now. She also has a few stitches on her head, belly and back. And finally she has some bruises, big and small. But she'll be fine." He says and I let out a sigh of relief, I'm glad to hear she's going to be ok. "But." He says and I'm getting worried again, but is always bad. "She has a serious trauma. You're her boyfriend right?" He says and I nod. "You have to go easy on her. Don't get mad when she's emotional and do not, listen, do not do anything she doesn't want." When he's done I say. "Is there anything else I need to know?" The doctor nods and says. "She can have panic attacks and nightmares. I'll give you a medicine that you could give her when she has one of those, it'll calm her down. I should not leave her alone for a while, so you or someone else has to be close to her. When she wants to be alone you can go to another room or go for a while, but not to long. Is that ok?" He looks at me. "Yes ofcourse, everything to make her feel better." The doctor nods and points to a door, he tells me Liza's in there.

I open the door and see Liza laying on a bed crying, when she sees me she cries harder. I walk towards her and hug her. "What's wrong babe? Are you ok?" I ask. "I'm so happy that you're here David." She says sobbing. I whipe away her tears and stare her in the eyes, after all she's been trough she's still beautiful. "I'll always be there ok? You can always count on me. I love you, pookie." 

Scarred. A Diza story ~COMPLETED~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя