Chapter 18,home

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David's POV

Today we can take Tatum and Jonah home, I'm really excited. We're still all laying in the hospital bed. Liza and the kids are still sleeping when I see that Jonah opens his eyes. "Hey little boy. How are you feeling today?" I ask him while tickling his tummy, he smiles. Some later Liza and Tatum wake up to. "Morning babe,and morning baby." I say.

L: Today we can take them home right?

D: If everything is ok we can.

L: I really hope everything is ok.

D: Yeah me to.

L: Can I ask you something.

D: Of course babe, anything.

L: Are you nervous to take them home? I mean now we have to take care of 2 little babies on our own.

D: Ehh, a little bit. But I'm sure we will be good parents babe. And we got the crew to help us out in need. 

L: You're right. I love you.

D: Love you to babe.

We dress them and then we can finally take them home. 


The kids are sleeping in their own bed. It's so cute, I love them and Liza so so much. "I'm going to sleep babe, I'm really tired." Liza says. "Ok babe, I'll join you soon." I reply.

* 4 Months timelapse*

The kids are sleeping again. I'm laying on the couch watching netflix and Liza is with Gabbie. I'm so tired, the babies wake us up almost every night. They do it great on youtube though. We want to keep their privacy so we don't show everything, but everyone loves them. 

There's a knock on the door. I go up and walk towards the door. I look through the peek hole and see no one. I open the door and then there's a man. I recognize his face from somewhere. "Hello sir, can I please use your toilet for a sec?" He asks. I think it's weird, why come up all to this apartment for a toilet, there's one downstaires. "I uhh, I don't think that's a good idea." I say but the man clearly doesn't like that. "Please sir, just for a few seconds." He says while he's already trying to go into the apartment. When I stop him he pushes me out of the way roughly. I turn around and the man is standing in the apartment now. I walk into the kitchen where my phone is, so I can call the police. "Hello?" I hear and I turn around again. Just then I feel a huge smack against my head. I fall down and more smacks follow.

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