Chaper 7,it's my fault

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AN: Hey guys. I think I have a little of a writersblock. I have an idea, you'll see in this chapter. Comment what you think of it. -xx-


*Trigger warning* Be safe peeepss.

Liza's POV

I looked at David. What the hell did he just do? I can feel my body getting calmer. I don't know what came over me, I think this is what they call a panic attack. I'm still looking at David. "Shh babe it's ok. It's a medicine to calm you down." He says. He slowly puts me down on the bed so I'm laying down. I close my eyes and try to get my breath. When I'm calmed down I open my eyes again, I see David is still laying next to me. "I'm really sorry babe. I didn't know what to do." He says. "It's ok. I'm sorry I freaked out." I reply. David kisses my forehead. "I love you." He says and I say I love him to.

*1 week later.*

I have bad anxiety issues. I keep getting nightmares and panic attacks, I'm scared to go outside on my own. I hate this and I blame myself for it. If I did things different this wouldn't have happened to me. I feel so sorry for David, he's so worried about me. It's all my fault, I keep thinking. 

I'm home alone, for once, David went to target with Zane and Heath. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I see a weak, lame person who can't stand up for herself, I cry. Then I see my razor blade laying on the sink. I get angry, rib the razors out and cut them into my skin. When I'm done I look down on my arms who are covered in blood, tears are falling down on it. I sit down on the floor. I realized when I cut myself I didn't think about anything besides that. It sounds weird but it felt good. I grab a towel and clean everything up before David comes home. I put on a sweater to cover the cuts. 

I sit on the couch watching youtube when David walks in. "Hey babe. How you doing?" He asks. "I'm fine." I say.

*3 days later*

I'm laying in bed crying. Since the first time I didn't stop cutting. I have now also cuts on my tummy and more on my arms. I'm wearing a sweater and a long sweatpants again. David walks in. "Babe. Calm down, I''m with you." He says and lays down on the bed. He grabs my arm to pull me closer but when he does I say auch! He looks at me with a strange face. "Did that really hurt?" He says. "I didn't grab you that hard right?" "No I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting." I say, David keeps looking at me, I'm a bad liar. He pulls up one eyebrow and grabs my arm. He pulls up my sleeve and sees the cuts.

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