Chapter 12, serious?

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AN: Omg I'm not believing myself, I'm seriously writing a third chapter on one day! This is the most I have ever written at once, but I'm still sick in my bed with flew and fever... Also I don't know if what is about to happen can happen in real life but this is after all fake. So just go with it and enjoyy! -xx-


Liza's POV

Do: Did you know you are pregnant?

L: Wait what? Pregnant?!

Do: Ok, so you didnt know. Well we can defenitely call it a miracle cause it is, you had a drugpoison but in some magical way the fetus survived. 

L: So I'm pregnant...?

Do: Yes you are, about 3 weeks. I'll get you some time to produce this.

I face Gabbie and see she's shocked to. "Gabbie what the hell am I gonna do?!" I say totally freaking out. Gabbie doesn't say anything and just looks at me. "This kids father raped me and we broke up! But I love him and I can't be without him. It felt so bad kissing the other guy. I want David but what he did is so wrong!" I say it all real fast without taking a breath. "Liza you need to tell him." Gabbie then says. "No, I don't wanna tell him." I begin to cry. "Shh it's ok." Gabbie tries to comfort me. "He will get to know it at some point, I mean. You will grow." She says but I want to be alone. Gabbie walks out after a few minutes and I drift to sleep.

David's POV

Liza didn't want me in there but I refuse to go away, so I sit in the hallway. Gabbie comes out. 

G: Hey dave.

D: Hey. How's she doing?

G: She's fine, but ehm. I think I need to tell you something.

D: Tell me.

G: The doctor told us Liza was pregnant and the baby survived at one magical way.

D: Wait. Liza's pregnant?!

G: Yea David, she is. And I need to tell you something else. But you have to swear you didn't hear it from me.

D: Ok I swear.

G: Liza can't be without you. She needs you.

D: Does she still love me?!

G: Yes ofcourse she does dumbass. She only kissed that guy to make you jealous.

D: Okay thanks Gab! Love you. Wait, just as a friend I mean.

G: -Laughs- Love you to. Now go get your girl.

I say her goodbye and walk into Liza's room. I see she's asleep. I lay down next to her and hold her, just like I did before. We lay like that for about 15 minutes when Liza wakes up. She turns around and then sees it's me. She starts to cry and I pull her closer and put her head on my chest. Surprisingly she didn't pull away. "David.." She cries. "Shh. It's ok babe. I know everything." "Huh how?" She asks. "I uhm, I heard you through the door." I say and she nods. "I'm happy we're gonna have a baby together babe." I say. "David think." Liza answers. "Think about what? I know I love you." I say but it's clearly not what she meant. "David! I mean. The doctor said it was 3 weeks a.." "I know babe, it's still young bu.." "David please let me finish! Think of it. 3 Weeks ago we weren't able to have sex, I was kidnapped at that time..."

Scarred. A Diza story ~COMPLETED~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin