Chapter 22, secrets

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David's POV

I'm feeling really dizzy, I think I'm gonna pass out. Liza sees and pulls me on the bench.

L: David are you ok? What's happening?

D: I.. I..

M: You're such a coward. Just fucking tell her or I will.

I'm breathing heavy. I try to calm down and when my vision gets straight again I look at Liza.

L: David. Just please tell me what happened.

She's almost begging me. I don't want to tell her. She's gonna be mad and I don't want to lose her.

D: I did something stupid when I was 17.

L: Tell.

D: Okay listen. So when I was 17 I still lived in Chicago. I was with my friend Ilja and his girlfriend just broke up with him. He wanted some distraction so we went out drinking. 

L: Dave please don't tell me yo..

D: Babe just please let me finish. So we went out drinking. It was late at night and we were both pretty drunk. Then Ilja got a call that he had to go home immediately because something happened. I thought I was not that drunk so I thought it was a good idea that I drove him home. It worked out and we were almost there when I.. - A tear rolls down my face-   I was not driving straight. Suddenly a car almost hit us, I pulled my steeringwheel and we made a slip to the right. Then I heard a huge smash. I got out and saw I hit a little kid. -I'm fully crying righ now- And this man standing next to her. The kid was transported to the hospital and almost died, luckily she didn't die. When I got home my dad beat the crap out of me.

M: Ohw boohoo. So sad for you. My fucking kid almost died and my wife left me but we're all feeling sad for you because he hit you. If I was your dad you wouldn't even live anymore. -angry voice and tearing up-

Liza just stares at me. I know she doesn't know how to feel.

D: Liza please say something.

L: Why did you never tell me?

D: I saw it as a closed chapter.

Liza looks at me offended. I know I hurt her feelings by not telling her. But I just thought it was the best.

L: But wait. Why did your brother kidnap me if your kid almost died?

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