"Welcome back to the world of the living, Miss"
A young woman with friendly brown eyes enters.

I don't why but I always recognize the eyes of people first.
How do I know that I always do so?

She is clothed in white fabric and wears her wavy black hair in a loose ponytail. Her skin is as beautiful and flawless as pearls which makes her entire appearance magical.

"My name is Sally Moor but you can call me Sally if you want. I will take care of you and ask you some questions so we can identify you and contact your family and friends", she says with a warm smile.

At the exact moment she finishes talking, my stomach grumbles.
I seem to crave for something. I don't feel alright.

Sally had heard the grumbling too.

She smiles again.
"Ah I see, sleeping Beauty needs some food"
Then she turns around and walks back to where she came from. Standing in the doorframe, she turns around, "Please do not try to escape again. Otherwise, we'll need to transfer you to a room without doors."

Wait, what?
Did I try to escape?
Why do I not remember?

Actually, I don't care.
I am going to get food which seems to be supposed to make me feel better and at the moment this is the only thing that matters.

Stranger To Myself (Ongoing + R R R R E E E E A A A L L Y SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now