11~Mark's PoV

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I dedicate this chapter to all my fellow readers who are still reading this book :) I'm honoured that you think that this story is worth enough for you to lay your eyes upon it.

A/N: I imagine Mark to look a bit like our young and -as always- handsome Jensen Ackles, but with brown hair :) This is (as far as I know) by no means a fanfiction, but guys - his eyes are EXACTLY like the ones I imagined when I created my beautiful fictional baby called Mark.

A/N: I imagine Mark to look a bit like our young and -as always- handsome Jensen Ackles, but with brown hair :) This is (as far as I know) by no means a fanfiction, but guys - his eyes are EXACTLY like the ones I imagined when I created my beautif...

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But as always: you are free to imagine the Characters the way you want to :)

As you can see, I'm going to start to write in different perspectives of views. Until now I have always written in the PoV of our main character (whose name is not released yet ;D please don't kill me, I promise it is to be revealed very soon ;D )  just for you guys to get to know her but I think that you know her good enough and now it's our mysterious boy's turn.

There are other characters who are going to appear in this story (No shit Sherlock) and I might write in their PoVs too but all that is yet to come. I don't want to spoiler anything ;*

Anyways, I should stop rambling...

Let's move on with the story:


This girl is impossible. She always does unpredictable things and seems to have blackouts whenever something makes her heart beat faster, but that is not the worst thing.

The worst thing is that I feel like I know her but I also am very sure that I have never seen her before. Well, her eyes seem familiar to me but she can't be the little girl that I came to know when my father kidnapped her, that was literally centuries ago. Only the eyes are the same, the rest of the body isn't.

She is just a giant riddle and it's not an easy one. But I'm confident that I'll solve it, this strange feeling nags on my nerves and I can't stand that.

"Hey! Mark! Over here!", Sally gestures for me to come over.

"Hi, um... Is everything alright?", I ask, scratching the back of my neck.

It still is awkward to talk to a robot that totally looks like a human being. The only mistake is that she or it looks too perfect, more perfect than any living creature will be. Maybe she is an angel - her smile is definitely the one of an angel.

"Yes, that's the reason why I called you. Our mysterious girl has woken up and currently is in the cafeteria. You should join her and grab some food, you haven't eaten much more than her during the last week.", She says and thinks for a few seconds.

Then she adds: "She must be very important to you. Usually, no one spends the whole week guarding an injured person that is a total stranger. Do you know her?"

Well..she is kind of right...

"No, I'm sure that I don't know her " yet.

But I do know these cornflower-blue eyes...Those strange eyes that stared at me.

" Huh, strange...I don't want to hold you off, now go and eat something and after that, I'd recommend taking a nap. We're going to land on LHS1140b  in a few hours. Be prepared!"

I nod and head towards the cafeteria. I almost forgot that we are on a giant colonisation ship.

"Oh and start to think about a new name for that planet, it's going to be awfully annoying to always say that combination of numbers and letters!", Sally says but this time her voice is only in my head.  I hate that. At least she stopped listening to my thoughts, or she pretends not to hear them.

As the wide automatic glass doors slide open, a warm breeze that smells like food tickles the bare skin of my hands and face and I can't hide the smile that takes place on my face.

It smells like my mum's kitchen, like home, only that I'm about 39 light years away from home.

The thoughts of my mum and home make me lose my appetite but I am still hungry.

I step into the almost empty room and choose a meal that doesn't remind me of anyone.

Carrying my food tray, I turn around and look for the mysterious girl.

It's frustrating that I don't know her name. She didn't know it herself before and after she threw herself out of the airlock.

The moment I see her, she turns around and our eyes meet as if she had sensed that I was looking at her.

Having walked towards her, I point at an empty chair opposite her.

"Would you mind me sitting with you?"

She strokes her imaginary beard and pretends to think about that question deeply while chowing down her last bit.  "Would I?", she answers and somehow manages to smirk in an innocent way.

Impossible girl...

I chuckle and take place.

"I'm glad to see that you're alright again, but you shouldn't eat too much", I say while pointing at three big, empty plates. "You still have to take medication and I'm not sure if eating that much is a good combination with drugs and medicine."

"I'm starving!", she exclaims, "I eat as much as I want because if I don't I won't be needing any medication ever again!"

I smile and then we start to shovel the delicious food into our mouths. Luckily, she made me forget that I had lost my appetite so that I was able to enjoy the different flavours dancing on my tongue.

After a while of comfortable silence, I decide to ask her something that has been going through my mind for a while.

"Who are you? I have checked all profile of every voyager on this whole colonisation starship and I haven't found your name or something that mentions you in any way. And according to Siren's logbook, no one has entered or exited this ship while we were travelling...well...except that one time you threw yourself out of the airlock and I had to get you back in as fast as I could. Did you smuggle yourself onto this ship?... Hey? Is everything alright? Are you okay?"

While I have been speaking to her, her eye lenses have been widening and decreasing in a confusing way and she was becoming paler than a living being was usually able to.

I swear, If she is going to have a blackout again, I'm going to create new cursing words that wouldn't be good for anyone's ear.

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