My whole body tickles as if every atom, belonging to me, was taken apart and then puzzled together again.
All those sensations ebbed after ten seconds or so.

Thaaaat was strange.

I find myself standing on another metallic, round surface but this one is located in the middle of a huge rainforest.
There are plants I know from somewhere, but I don't know from where.

I seem to know a lot but the knowledge comes back slowly and is split into tiny pieces...

There also are plants I have never seen before, they seem foreign as if they were from other planets or specially bred to look like this.

Colours, scents, sounds they all come from everywhere.
This all is so new and yet seems so familiar.

Having stood there for about fifteen minutes, standing there like one of the old trees, I decided to step off the platform which seems to be a teleporter and wander around wondering.
Otherwise, I'd begin to grow roots.

How can a rainforest fit into a starship?
How is that possible?

Having seen a lot of what the new environment on the ground, I look up at the sky.

Crystal blue with the occasional small candy-cotton-like cloud greet me.
In the distance a huge orange sun smiles at me.
If there is a ceiling, it must very high above me or the animation of the clouds and behind is stunning.

A soft and cooling breeze plays with my long white hair which seems to glow in the light of the sun and just then I really become aware that I am breathing fresh and warm air.

This is just wonderful. I feel so much better now.

The breeze carries the scent of oranges, vanilla and other tropical fruits and flowers.
A single bird's scream is carried away.

Having walked around for half an hour, I sit down on a low hanging tree branch which kind of looked like a bench to rest my sore legs.

I don't seem to be that fit anymore...

I could stay here forever....or maybe a bit longer...

After another while I hear dull footsteps coming from a small path, moving in my direction.

It seems to be only one person but no one ever knows. 

My muscles tense while I listen carefully, disliking the thought of someone else than the plants, animals and me being here and disturbing the silent peace and welcoming loneliness.

As I see that the person is Sally, strolling in my direction, I exhale and relax a bit.

she sais and gives me a smile.
I smile back, thinking about how it is possible that she in fact is Siren, the ship itself, capable of showing emotions and being so human.

"Hi Sally", then I add: "or should I call you Siren?"

"I'd prefer you to call this humanoid vessel Sally. The ship's name is Siren and even though we are the same AI we're separate in some way. I personally feel more like a human with special talents and capabilities than a ship's supercomputer controlling system...If you know what I mean?..."

"This is so awesome..."

"Whatever... "

She lets herself sink into the seat next to me and we sit there for a while.

-In awkward silence.

Could she be reading my mind right now?

"I always am." The answer Comes almost before I finished my thoughts.

That is creepy...

"Yes it somehow is...but it's useful when I have a deaf or mute patient. "

"Cool, but I would prefer it if you could at least pretend as if you were not reading my mind... please?"


Again, Awkward silence.

My brain starts to work.
Hasn't she said something about me running away?
How could one try to flee from a starship?
Do I have my own starship? That'd be so cool...

And there comes the answer:
"Yes, you tried to escape us. You went lunatic, somehow managed to open an airlock and your body was sucked into the vacuum and floated through the nothingness of everything.
I could do nothing but luckily Mark saved you immediately.
And yes, you seem to have a small starship of your own but for security reasons, I won't tell you where it is parked."

"Wow, okaaay...Why did I try to escape?"
my own starship how cool is that? Oh, and I really have to thank Mark for saving me.

"Access to this information not permitted for you"

Straaange...There we have the computer part of her...

"Do you know where my parents are? Do you have any information about them?"

"First Question: Acces to this information not permitted for you.
Second Question: I cannot say much but thanks to a few probes of your DNA and a few tests we know that your father is human and that your mother is either Alien yet humanoid or human but travelled in space near a sunstorm during the early time she was pregnant with you. Your DNA  seems to descend from or is at least similar to humans but it has a few extra chromosomes and there seems to be a device somewhere inside you with more information we are not able to decode yet because it likes to play hide and seek with our technology."

Woah... If I wasn't in this nice rainforest I would need some fresh air again...

"Thinking of rainforests: how does all this",
I vaguely gesture towards everything around us,
"fit into one single starship?

Stranger To Myself (Ongoing + R R R R E E E E A A A L L Y SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now