Sally smiles, again,
I hope that's just me but her constant smiling is getting kind of creepy...
then she starts to explain.

"Do you know the series 'Doctor Who'? The Doctor's spaceship in disguise is called TARDIS which means 'Time And Room Dimensions In Space'. It's bigger on the inside or if you take it the other way, smaller on the outside. It's like putting a big cube into a smaller cube. Our starship works the same with dimensions so we can, for example, have a rainforest inside."

"Wow, that's just amazing...", I say while I admire the sunlight shining through green leaves.
So beautiful and vibrant colours that even artists could not capture.

Suddenly I feel a torturing pierce behind my right ear, right where my tattoo is.

My eyesight becomes blurry and as I open my eyes again, I seem to lie on the ground.

I try to blink but as I close my eyes, they won't open again.

Darkness takes over my mind and I lose control.


I sit in a comfortable chair.

On the wall opposite me is a window but curtains hide the outside from me or they hide me from the outside.

I want to stand up, move the curtains.

What's outside?

Someone, no, something holds me back.

It is black and cold, tied around me and the chair, elastic but resistant.

I only can move my eyes,

to the left: an empty wall,

before me: the window and dark blue curtains which only let a few sun rays pass,

above: the ceiling with a single hanging light bulb, hanging almost lose

down: the floor which is covered by a gigantic grey carpet,

and last but not least,

to the right: next to me is a small shelf and the only thing on it is a small vase with withering cornflowers.

One of the beautifully faded leaves floats through the stuffy air until it lands on the carpet where other leaves were waiting for it to join them.

My small feet can't reach the floor, my legs are too short.

I try to loosen the grip of the black stuff that keeps me bound to the chair.
My attempts to free myself stay unsuccessful.

Suddenly I hear footsteps.

Heavy footsteps.

The floorboards outside are creaking and soon there is a squeak behind me which sounds like an old door being opened.

A man appears in front of me, carrying another chair.
I only see his silhouette but I can make out those grey eyes.
They seem to glow in the half dark of this room like ice in the arctic nights.
A northern light, a fading nebula in space.

This man doesn't look like a bad person.

He has seen a lot of cruel things, that I can see, but he didn't enjoy it.
He might be one of those people who just want to lie on a blanket in the middle of a flower-filled meadow and read their favourite book but life doesn't listen to their wishes and throws them right into the middle of chaos and destruction. 
He definitely is not the type of man that would do any harm to a little girl like me.

The mysterious man places his chair about one metre in front of me and sits down with a heavy sigh.

"Turn on the light. I want her to see who she's speaking with."
He says to someone behind me. His voice sounds younger than I expected, but then again: what did I expect?

I hear a clicking noise and the light bulb starts to flicker until the room is fully illuminated.

On the chair opposite me sits a man that is maybe in his early thirties, wearing a grey suit and looking straight at me. Again.

Many people's eyes have been looking at me but this man, he doesn't just look at me, he looks through me, directly into my soul, knowing every next move of mine, that's why I had the feeling that he knows me when he pulled me into the house.

"Mark come on, don't be shy, show yourself", the man says to the person behind me.

MARK?! My unconscious halfway adult mind thinks while it is hit with the surprise.

My younger self doesn't know that guy yet so she just sits there waiting for the person to show himself.

A younger version of Mark appears and chooses to stand to the left of the stranger.

His curious green eyes scan me but after a few moments he shyly looks at his feet, not daring to look up again.
Such beautiful eyes... like sunlight shining through green leaves.
So beautiful and vibrant colours that even artists could not capture them.

My left cheek starts to hurt as if someone had slapped me.

The mysterious man and Mark haven't moved an inch and the body of the little girl didn't react to the pain.

Then my right cheek hurts too.

What's happening?!

I feel like I'm spinning around which causes me feeling sick.

Can I have a bucket? Please? Someone help me?

"Hey! Wake up! Come on. Please. Wake up, for me..."

I open my eyes abruptly, only to meet a pair of someone else's directly above me.

Stranger To Myself (Ongoing + R R R R E E E E A A A L L Y SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now