Having finished my meal, I stand up. The urge to find out what the world behind that door looks like has just become unbearable.

At first, there was only darkness but as I make a small hesitant step forwards the light turns on with a bit of flickering at first and then I am standing in a sterile, white corridor.

The sight of it gives me a feeling of familiarity but I can not quite put my finger on the 'why'.
I have never been here before...
Have I?

There are green doors on each side and the light seems to come directly from the walls.
The atmosphere is a bit eery because it feels like someone is watching and it sends chills down my spine which causes me to get goosebumps.

Suddenly there are muffled voices and reverberating footsteps growing louder which means the sources of those sounds are moving in my direction.

 "How can it be that I can't find any files about her? There is no single piece of information just nothing!", a deep agitated voice said.

"I can't find anything either. I guess we will have to question her ourselves...", that sounded like Sally.  "Yes but maybe we'll have to find another way to interrogate her, just to prevent the recent events...", The deeper voice said worriedly and a bit more silent.

Were they talking about me?

Crap, they're almost here!

Panic rises inside me and I hurry back to my room.
Okay, everything is going to be alright, they don't know I was listening, just... Just pretend...

My thoughts are interrupted by three knocks at the door.
"Come in ", I say with a weak voice. I haven't spoken in all that time so the feeling of my tongue, teeth and lips is utterly strange.

Sally and a handsome man in a black suit enter the room.

"Hello Miss, my name is Mark Troy and I'm working for IgSA - IgSA standing for  Intergalactic Security Agency, in case you don't know. I'm glad you recovered.", he smiles a broad fake smile and I smile back.
So this is the guy who seems to need information about me... Well... Let's play a bit, maybe I can get some information too.

"Good day Agent Troy ", I reply.

Now that I think about it, I actually do not know what time it is. How could I not waste a  single thought on this?

"Sally and I, We'd like to ask you a few questions and we would appreciate your honesty", the agent said in a very serious manner. I nodded to tell him that he could go on. "Do you know your name? Or the names of your parents? We weren't able to identify you, so we have been waiting for you to wake up."

Something in my head shuts down. I try to search for the persons and names he asked for but I either really don't know or something blocks my memories.

"No, I don't know my name or the names of my parents. I don't know where I come from. In fact, I don't know anything, except that I seem to exist and that I woke up in this room.
I have been wondering what might have happened for a short moment and then was distracted again..."
My voice is cool and hoarse.
I somehow know this Troy-Guy. The familiarity makes me feel very uncomfortable. Just like the corridor. The way he looks at me... He says he doesn't know but his eyes say that there is something that makes him uneasy. No uneasiness caused by lack of information but by memories or a bit too much information...

He continues asking me a variety of questions about me 'just to be sure' and I always answer that I know nothing.
That isn't normal, isn't it? Other questions involving basic scientific knowledge of any kind do not seem to be a problem to me but when it comes to me as a person...

Stranger To Myself (Ongoing + R R R R E E E E A A A L L Y SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now