Chapter Two

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Within the next two days she was being flown to the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s water base. The Agents she got stuck with weren't talkative, which she was okay with, but by the time she got off she was ready to have a conversation as the flight was rather boring.

She saw the same girl from the other night, Agent Romanoff and walked up to her. "Agent Romanoff," she nodded. "Nice to see you."

"Glad you're here. Careful, they're doing another landing."

Elizabeth stood beside Natasha as the next plane landed onto the deck, the wind caused her lose blue shirt to ripple with the wind. As soon as the plane properly landed, and two men were getting off, Natasha walked over to them, and since Elizabeth knew no one else, she followed.

One was obviously an Agent, he was dressed in a suit, and had sun glasses on. And the other one was a tall, muscular blonde, dressed rather casually in earthy tones.

"Agent Romanoff," the other Agent greeted and she realized that it was Agent Coulson. "Captain Rogers," he nodded his head towards the man next to him.

"Ma'am," Captain Rogers nodded to the two women standing before him in a sign of respect.

"Hi," Natasha practically ignored him as she turned back to Agent Coulson, "They need you on the bridge, they're starting face trace."

"See you there," the other Agent smiled one last time as he walked off.

Elizabeth wandered off towards the side of the carrier, towards another man looking quite out of place. He had an almost dusty brown tint to his hair, with several gray hairs peaking through. He was also dressed up rather formally, in a purple button up, and grey jacket, along with tan pants, and brown dress shoes. But it wasn't fancy enough to be an Agent. So she wondered if he was here for the same reason she was, the other guy- Captain Rogers probably was as well. The way he was dressed though, almost began to make Elizabeth feel out of place in her casual clothing. 

"Weird, isn't it?"

He turned to her and rose an eyebrow, "What is?"

"This," she moved her hands around. "This place, all of this technology. Just to be here." Elizabeth breathed out as she looked around the busy deck.

"It is rather interesting," he agreed taking another look around.

"I'm Elizabeth Tolen," she smiled.

Just as he was about to speak, Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff walked over, "Dr. Banner," he greeted, his hand raised out. Elizabeth couldn't remember from where, but she had recognized that name.

Dr. Banner turned around awkwardly as he looked at Captain Rogers, "Oh, yeah. Hi." the two shook hands. "They told me you'd be coming."

"Word is that you can find the cube."

So he was there for the same reason as Elizabeth. She added that to the proof that she could clock people from a mile away.

Dr. Banner seemed rather anxious as he said, "Is that the only word on me?"

"Only word I care about," Steve gave him a genuine smile.

As the conversation continued, and the helicarrier began to shake, Elizabeth grew more confused. Dr. Banner kept saying things about him being here, and if they really wanted him here. It was odd, and she didn't understand it.

Agent Romanoff stood back looking smug as all three of the new comers stood on the edge, looking down at the water that was now forming into a large swirl.

"Oh no," Dr. Banner laughed. "This is much worse."

And with that they were all being lead by Natasha through the helicarrier, that was swarming with Agents. Elizabeth could only assume that this was at least some of the people she was working with. Which felt odd. An Agent, a Doctor, a Captain, and most likely Tony Stark. And who was she? A dancer? A person with a degree? Or just a person with connections?

As they walked through a set of glass doors, both men looked in awe, Agent Romanoff still smug, as Elizabeth wasn't surprised. This room was yet again filled with Agents, and Director Fury. She could only figure that it was like the main control room.

"Gentlemen," Fury spoke as he walked forward. "And ladies"

Both Captain Rogers and Elizabeth walked forwards to Fury as Dr. Banner stayed slightly behind, still admiring the area.

Captain Rogers handed Fury a ten dollar bill as he walked off farther into the room leaving Fury and Elizabeth. He nodded his head towards Dr. Banner and he made his way over to them.

"Doctor, thank you for coming," Fury greeted as he pulled out his hand for a handshake. "And Elizabeth, as always it is great to see you."

Hesitantly Dr. Banner shook his hand as he said, "Thanks for asking nicely." but Elizabeth could sense the sarcasm dripping from that sentence despite that it was well concealed. "So uhm... How long am I staying?"

She cocked her head to the side, Dr. Banner had really gained her interest by now. He was puzzling, and she wanted to solve it. He was here, though it didn't seem like he wanted to be. And she could infer they all bout forced him here.

"Once we got our hands on the tesseract, you're in the clear."

"Where are you with that?" Dr.Banner questioned as the two began to walk, Elizabeth following knowing that she needed to hear this as well.

Fury pointed to Agent Coulson who was on the level lower than them, "We're sweeping every wireless accessible camera on the plant. Cellphones, laptops. If it is connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

Captain Rogers walked over to Agent Coulson as a bent of Agent Romanoff bitterly said, "That's still not going to find them in time."

"You have to narrow the field," Elizabeth spoke turning to Fury. Did they seriously think they were going to find it accessing everything? That was too much information to process at once, too many possibilities. It would take forever, and even then.

Dr. Banner looked at her a gave her a small smile as looked her up and down, honestly, he didn't peg her for someone who would know much about that stuff, he had figured she was one of the heroes brought to fight, yet who was he to judge? He elaborated by saying, "How many spectrometers do you have access to?"

Fury folded his arms, "How many are there?"

"Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places," he lectured as he took off his jacket to fold. "Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

"Yes, you'll also be working with Miss. Tolen here," as he gestured to the girl at his side as she smiled and waved. "If that is alright with you."

Dr. Banner nodded at the rhetorical question, "Yes of course."

"Agent Romanoff, would you show these two the the laboratory for this assignment?"

Elizabeth founded herself yet again trailing behind Agent Romanoff as she lead the way to the laboratory. "You're gonna love it, guys. We got all the toys," she smirked.

And Elizabeth didn't doubt that they did.

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