Random Time

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"YO MK!" Kawaii Angel yelled to Monster kid.
"What is it Kawaii?" She asked. Mk saw that Kawaii was crying.
"What's wrong now?" Mk asked.
"I finished Your Lie In April, it was so sad!" She screamed.
"Awwww it will be okay," Mk said trying to comfort her.
After a while of trying to make Kawaii feel better, Crow Feather and Mysterious Secrets came in the room.
"What's up?" Crow said then Ms (Mysterious Secrets is Ms) smiled evilly.
"Did someone die?" She asked in a happy but demented voice.
"Yes!" Kawaii yelled. Ms started to laugh insanely.
"Can I tell you guys about my dream?" She asked when Yuu, Laurence, and Gaara walked in. (Yes I had to add them)
"Sure," Mk shrugged.
"Okay, first I brought Crow into a dark room then tortured her slowly!" She laughed. We stood there mortified then she went on.
"Then I went to Kawaii's house and stabbed her 20 times in her sleep. And then I tied Mk up to the wall and went to kill her, but Yuu tried to save her, so we fought and I drowned him, then  killed Mk slowly," we all stood there in silence.
"Well, I feel like I should leave before she goes on a real killing spree," Yuu said walking to another room.
"NUUUU YUUUUU DONT LEAVE MEEEE!" Mk yelled. Ms continued to laugh evilly
"I'm going to watch Tokyo Goul," Kawaii walking to her room.
"I'm coming too!" Ms and Crow yelled running after her. Mk sat there still scared of Ms.
"Is she gone?" Yuu asked pecking his head in the room, Mk laughed and nodded. Yuu walked in and sat on the ground by Mk.
{Mk's POV}
Yuu gave me a cute Yuu smile that he does sometimes. We have been together for almost two months, and I was still being awkward around him.
"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked.
"Uhh," I responded. I felt like an idiot just sitting there staring at him.
"I. Minecraft. Bunny," I said. I facepalmed in my mind, I really just said that.
"What?" He asked then Ms burst down the door from Kawaii's room.
"BUNNY MINECRAFT ROLLPLAY!" She screamed pulling out her IPad and Phone.
"MY DOOOOOOOOR!" Kawaii wined while Crow sighed.
"YESH!" I yelled and we rollplayed.
(A/N) Hey guys thanks for reading this random story. It's based off me and my friends but we have our Unison League nicknames. It's based off things that happen IRL on the game or just randomness I made up like Ms shaming down the door. See ya next time! =^~^=

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