SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me.

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{Mk's POV}
I walked around the house getting food and soda and getting ready to watch anime on my laptop, the classic weekend for me. I poured the milk in my cereal and pulled out a fork, I swear Kawaii needs to do the dishes I want a spoon for once. I pulled out a cup and the two liter bottle of Coke.
"Hello," someone said from behind me putting there hands on my shoulders.
"CREEPY KILLER!" I screamed flinging around and stabbing the man behind me with the fork.
"GAH! MK!" He yelled.
"YUU!" I jumped realizing I just stabbed my boy friend.
(Time Skip brought to you by Slaty Yuichiro)
Yuu sat on the couch next to me in the living room.
"I'm sorry," I said for the 100th tike in the past two minutes.
"Shut up already, it's okay," Yuu wined holding the bandage on his arm.
"But I am," I said sadly.
"I know, you said it 1000 times!"
"Shut up, we all know I'm better at math than you,"
"And I'm better at English, and I'm older than you,"
"Shut up,"
I smiled at him and he gave me another cute Yuu smile and turned on the TV. He skimmed threw the shows on and I saw that Twilight was on. I knew Yuu wouldn't turn on that movie because he thought it was too "girly" so I came up with a plan. First I scooted closer to him so he would wrap his arm around me so I could get close, and he did.
Then I would let him go threw the shows so he wouldn't get suspicious. After a second of looking threw shows I tugged Yuu's hair a little. He looked at me confused and put the remote by his lap. I leaned in and kissed him lightly taking the remote out of his hand.
"TIME FOR HOT VAMPIRES!" I yelled jumping up holding the remote high in accomplishment.
"WAIT NO! YOU JEARK!" He yelled as I turned on Twilight. Luckily he never changed the channel and instead just sat and watched. The movie ended and I went to change the channel.
"Hey Yuu, where's the remote?" I asked looking around.
"VICTORY!" He yelled turning on Spider Man.
"Niiiiiiiiice," I laughed. He wrapped his arm around me and we watched the movie.
{Ms's POV}
I stood by the door watching Mk and Yuu, I swear I ship them so hard. I took pictures every time they weren't looking. The movie came to a part where Spider Man and His love interest where about to kiss. Mk and Yuu kissed too thinking no one was there. I finely couldn't hold back.
"AHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPS!!!!!!!" I yelled jumping up and down. Yu and Mk jumped up startled.
"Help me," mk said.
(A/N) sorry for posting so early I finished it last night and posted it today. Hope you liked it! =^~^=

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