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{Mk's POV}
I woke up in my room on Tuesday morning. I got up, turned on the radio, and started getting ready for school.
"Schools called off are Seraph high school, Nora elementary, and Lake schools so far," the man on the radio said.
I dropped my plate on the ground making it break into a million pieces.
"MK ARE YOU OKAY! I HEARD SOMETHING BREAK!" Yuu screamed running into the room with his jeans on, and his button up shirt with some on top still un buttoned.
"It happened," I said looking at him. He looked at me in fear for his life thinking I have gone crazy.
"Mk?" He asked.
"WE HAVE A SNOW DAY!" I yelled running up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and spinning around.
"SWEEEEEET!" He yelled hugging me back.
{Crow's POV}
I woke up and looked out the window. The snow filled up the streets and I knew it would be sucky going to school, let's just say out super intentint didn't call off once this year, and there where storms worse then this.
I got in my chainsaw unicorn shirt, jeans, and put on my dragon neckless. I walked into the living room after brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I turned on the TV to watch the weather when I got a text from Mk.
Crow: Really???
Mk:LOL I did too! 😂

{Kawaii's POV}
I jumped out of bed and got in my blue long sleeve shirt and jeans getting ready to see if the rumors were true. Lots of teachers at school were saying it was supposed to snow really bad and we might get a snow day, but that was unlikely. At 3:00 yesterday it didn't snow so I had doubted even if it did we would have school. I saw that the snow piled up and watched the news to see if we were off. My cat, Whiskers, laid next to me in a cat nap as I watched the schools go by at the bottom.
Seraph High, Nora Elementary, Lake Schools, Freddie's pre-school. Wait what. Our school was on the screen. I jumped up off the couch.
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lunges. Whiskers jumped off the couch and ran for her life to my bed room.
"I GET TO WATCH ANIME ALL DAY!" I yelled running to find my laptop.

{Ms's POV}
I woke up to my cat Winter laying next to me. I pet her and turned on music.
"Yes," I said when Super Psycho Love came on. I lip sang the song as I got into my black long sleeve shirt and black leggings. I pet Winter not caring if I got white cat hair all over me. After the song ended I got a text from Gaara. I hugged my phone and said happily, "Senpai is talking to me~" I looked at my phone.
Gaara: Hey Ms, I wanted to say that we have a snow day for once and I was wondering is you wanted to hang out???
Gaara:Lol ya
Gaara:Maybe breakfast?
Ms:Sound great~

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