New Job

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{Kawaii's POV}
I was feeding my cat one morning. I saw a note saying that Mk and Yuu left and they would be back soon. Of corse, shipping instincts kick in and I think their making out, probably not though. I watched K-Pop songs on the TV since Mk doesn't like K-Pop and Yuu is ALWAYS on her side, little butt. I was singing along to Bang Bang Bang when I remembered I was aloud back in Lake View Mall again. I packed up my stuff and walked out the door.
{Time skip brought to you by Salty Boy from Japan hanging with Yuu~Chan}
I walked into the mall and got a drink cuz I'm thirsty. I walked around sad that I couldn't go in lots of stores because I had a drink. I sat on a bench when I heard a snarky tone behind me.
"What are you doing here?" I turned around and saw that one and only Brandon.
"You," I growled, "What do you want?"
"Look I'm on my break, come back when it's over," he said trying to shoo me off.
"I can sit here,"
"I had a hard day. It's hard working at a craft store,"
"Oh really?" I crossed my arms and he glared at me.
"We have an spot open, if you can take it and do better then me, I will pay you,"
          {Time Skip brought to you by Anime!}
"Over here," I said leading a family over to the feathers.
"Thank you," The mother said to me. I nodded and went back to putting paint away.
Bu the end of the day, I was one of the best employees in the store.
"Fine," Brandon sighed at the end of the day, "$10:00,"
"20," I said.
"5," he snapped back.
"30," I laughed.
"HA!" I laughed, he fell for my trick.

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