Chapter 1: Abandoned Animations

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Walking down the street with my phone in hand, I admired the beautiful trees and scenery around me.I stopped in front of an old, run down looking building that looked like it hadn't been touched for centuries. All of the windows were boarded up and the bricks were covered in moss and grime. I decided that, for some reason, I wanted to explore this abandoned place. So, I got out my camera witch was always with me and I got my phone torch ready. I walked up the steps and to the wooden door. I pushed it hard expecting it to be locked but it wasn't and I flew inside and onto the dusty ground of the building. I got up and turned on my phones torch. Everything, including the walls and floor, looked like it had come straight out of an old Mickey Mouse cartoon. I started to record.
-Le teme skip-
I reached an old desk which had the same pictures as the cardboard cutouts o had seen everywhere. They looked like some kind of demon type creature with a bow tie and Mickey Mouse gloves. I zoomed my camera onto the drawings and continued walking down the corridors. I stopped when I saw a room which had the sign 'ink machine' on it. I walked in and the smell of ink was even stronger than it was before. I peered at the supposed 'ink machine' and saw that it was dripping ink onto the floor. I looked around and saw yet another cardboard cutout of the demon.i sighed and walked on. I walked down what seemed to be a never ending corridor until
I came across a room that held a very disturbing scene. I cautiously walked up to the object. It was a wolf lying on a vertical plank of wood with straps around its arms and legs. It's rib cage was torn open and sticking out, revealing its organs. I shivered at the thought even though it was just a cartoon looking creature. I turned to walk out but I came face to face with yet another cardboard cutout of the demon. That wasn't there before i thought as I moved the cutout to the side and walked on. I came up to a room with a machine built into the wall. I stepped over a puddle of ink and wandered over to it. The sign above it read ' main power' and it had a lever on one side and a flashing sign on the other. I looked at the sign and it said 'low pressure' I was curious about it so I turned around to go see if I could fix it when a flash of black flicked before me. I stood straight.

I continued to walk around seeing the occasional flick of black flash by or the odd sound of ink dripping onto wooden floors. I eventually found the last item which was an old record disk. I blew the dust off of it and it read 'bendy the dancing demon' I walked over to the post and placed the disk onto it. They must have been pressure padded because as soon as I did it, the sound of clicking could be heard. I wander over to the viewing room and see a red sign that says 'ink flow.' I push the button and I realised that that had restored the pressure. I was walking back to the main power room when I saw a piece of ink that looked fresh unlike the rest which was dried up. I then heard the noise of shoes on wooden floors behind me. I turn around to see a demon that looked the same as all the cutouts that had been placed randomly. He had a long demon tail this time though. 'AAAAAAAHHHHHHH' I threw my hands up into the air and my phone light went flying. It landed on the floor with a deafening thud. I stood frozen not knowing what to do. I shakily reach out to grab my phone. Once I grasp it, I snatch my hand away and shine the light to where the demon was. They weren't there. I span in a circle trying to find him but I couldn't. I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Looking down at my phone I realised the time '11:30 I guess I should be heading back now' I said to myself walking towards the exit that I could see from where I was standing. As I was about to reach for the door handle, I felt something cold and slimed on my arm. I turn around to see the demon grabbing hold of my arm. 'Your not going anywhere,darling'

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