Chapter 7: DyInG tO mEeT yOu!

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(Y/N) POV ~
My feet patterned along the wooden oak flooring as I ran swiftly through the workshop. I gotta help bendy get away from that monster. I slowly come to a halt when I hear a slow hum come from the room where the ink machine lies. Curious, I crept over and peered inside. The ink machine was running at a slow pace, pushing out a small drop of ink every so often. I wandered over to it to try and turn it off but I couldn't move the cogs. Damnit if only I was stronger. Just then, I heard a noise behind me. I spun around, my grey dress swaying flawlessly around my body. There, with a knife in his hand, stood my enemy. Joey Drew. 'Didn't you know that curiosity killed the wolf?' His smile was sick and twisted, like the way a serial killers was. I stood there, confused. He must have seen because he went on, all the while still having a gran plastered onto his face. 'Boris came in here a looooooong time ago, my dear.' He slid over to me and grabbed my hand. I pulled away violently. 'DON'T call me "dear" you freak!'his laugh filled the room with a sickening noise. 'I thought you would have been smarter than to trust the demon.' Taking a step back, I gasped as I realised. He chuckled. 'FINALLY the penny has dropped! Yes, (Y/N), I was the one who killed Boris.' I honestly don't know why it came as a shock to me. I suddenly had a burst of rage and I shouted 'WHAT DID BENDY OR BORIS EVER DO TO YOU?!' He was shocked for a split second and then the god damn smile. 'THEY were the ones who got me into this mess! THEY were the ones wh-' a flash of black was all I saw as I was flung back into a cardboard cutout of bendy.a sickening scream was let out by Joey as the sound of a knife easily cutting through flesh and muscle was heard. The blood spilled onto the floor in a growing puddle of hatred. The black blob, which now looked slightly familiar to me, then looked into my eyes. It stood up, the knife stained with joeys blood in its hands. It walked slowly, almost limping towards me with a trail of red following close behind it. It was now towering over me. '(Y/N), I have been DYING to meet you!'

HELLOOOOOOOOOO! My exams are finally done. I am so happy now. Well anyways, sorry for the short chapter -.- I was stuck with writers block as well as my exams soooooo... who do you think is the mystery Joey killer? Where is bendy on his adventure to save you? Why do I keep adding random questions to the ends of my chapters? Welp, I'm gonna go watch some dan and Phil whilst eating pizza so I will see you guys soon, I guess..? Yeah...BYE!
*slowly creeps out of the room*

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