Chapter 5: Darker Days [Part 2]

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'A long time ago, I was created. Joey had created me to be a star in one of his cartoons titled "the dancing demon." The cartoon was great, but, I felt really lonely without anyone but me,Joey and Henry. To be honest w'cha, I felt a bit outta place with those two, being the only ink cartoon and all. Joey must of noticed this because he would often try his best to make me happier. He let me draw, play on his phone and laptop, he even let me out of the workshop sometimes so that I could play on the grass out back. But, one day, he locked me inside the basement. No explanation, just threw me in there and locked the door. I was all alone. I got so bored in there that I used the ink on my own fingers to draw on the walls of the room. Few days pass and I hear movement above me. I thought nothing of it, thinkin' it was henry or Joey, but when Joey opened that door, I swear I was blinded by the damn light!' She giggles and listens intently. '"Bendy, y'know how you always say you feel alone here?" I nod my head." Well, I created a friend for you!" I look up to see a tall wolf step out from behind Joey. I stood up slowly and looked at Henry who had now appeared behind Joey and then run up to the wolf hugging him. We talked and we got on pretty well! I learned many things about Boris. We would sit and talk for hours, I was really glad to not be the only cartoon anymore. But, like some one famous said, all great things must come to an end. Whilst I was sleeping, Joey must have put something on me so that I would stay sleepin' whilst he assumably got Boris. When I woke up with no Boris beside me, I ran around trying to find him. I got to the room where he was and..well.. I saw the same thing you did. Joey emerged and tried to catch me to presumably give me the same fate but me being the sneaky devil that I am, I escaped. Now- now I seek vengeance. That-That traitor! I didn't get either of them, but I know one thing. If either of them DARE come near this place again, they will suffer consequence!' I finished my story with small drops of ink rolling down my cheeks. I hadn't realised that (Y/N) had disappeared half way through my story to go get some tissues as she was now kneeling in front of me wiping my inky tears away. 'Bendy... I-I know what it feels like to be betrayed.' She suddenly drops her hands to her side and I look up at her with a shocked face. She sees this and continues. 'Both of my parents left me for dead when I was a baby.' I didn't want to push the subject but I was sooo curious. 'W-what!!' 'They left me in the middle of the road waiting for a car to come and run me over, but, before one could, some man saw me and picked me up. He let me stay with him until I was 12 ( if u r 12, make it say 10) then he "let me go."' I held her hand with my gloved one. She looked up at me with tear filled eyes. I wiped them away with my other hand and smiled sheepishly at her. She did the same. '(Y/N), I lo-' we both turned to the exit door. Furious banging...

OHHHHH BOI BET YA DIDN'T EXPECT THAT ON YA PLATE DID YA?! As XxHeroTheBossxX  said in the comments,'oh dis gunna be gud!' YOUR WELCOME! XD

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