Chapter 11: Confessions part 2

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Bendy POV~
*sigh* I stepped back and viewed my handy work. The trees were so hard to do with my short height but I managed. Part of me wanted to tear all of it down because it "wasn't good enough for her" but the other part just wanted to sleep. I jumped off the stool and landed softly on the ground. Picking up the stool, I turned around. A single orange leaf fell in between my horns. Smiling,mostly to myself, I thought she better love this, I slaved so hard haha and went back inside the building. The workshop was quiet, apart from the ticking from the eerie clock hanging on the opposite wall. I walked cautiously along the corridor that had all the bedrooms to my room and went to sleep.

The next day

I woke up way earlier than I usually do just to make sure everything was perfect. There were no windows on the workshop except one in (Y/N)'s room.This was ether going to be amazing or tragic.

Skip le time

I covered both of her eyes with my hands as Boris guided her through the door. She was giggling slightly as she kept walking into things. I looked at Boris and he nodded. He fled into the workshop as I took my hands away from her face. The look on her face was a mixture of shock and hysteria. It may have just been in my mind but I swear her eyes started to well up. She looked at me. "'s so beautiful!"All of the heat in my body went to my face in that moment . I actually did something right for once!

(Y/N) POV~

I just stood there, incapable of speech.
He had decorated the trees in the back with beautiful lights that illuminated the area perfectly. He had also arranged them in a way that amazingly made sure every inch of each tree was covered in a pearly white glow.

I was on the edge of tears

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I was on the edge of tears. I always have been so soft I just stared at the sight in front of me. "'s so beautiful!" He muttered something under his breath that was inaudible but I could make out a "" I was to (shook) to even care about what he said. I then felt a gloved hand take my own and lead me through the glowing trees to a small patch of grass with tea lights in lanterns hanging off beaches of many small trees. He stopped and stared at me. He held my hands in his and I felt a spark. The same spark I felt when I first met him.

Bendy's POV~
I felt like I was sweating but I wasn't. My heart was pounding and my head was full of worries. What if I mess up? What if she doesn't like me? What if this makes her hate me? How could I think I'm worthy of her love and time? That last one really stuck with me. How COULD I think I was worthy of her love and time? I decided to lock all those thoughts away and just go for it (after all #YOLO am I right xD) I took a deep breath and just went for it. "(Y/N), since I first met you in this animation studio at least 3 months ago, I knew instantly that we would connect. I was only mean because I had been betrayed so many times before that it just came naturally to me. But now I know that that was wrong. Instead of blabbering on, I'm just gonna say it." Don't mess this up bendy for the love of ink "i...I love you (Y/N) and I don't want to spend my days alone in an inky,dark cell of despair. Because you make every moment worth living. And I want to be there for you when you need me most."

(Y/N) POV~
I just stared at him in shock. His words struck me like a chord and my heart started racing. I wanted to hug him but I was rooted to the ground. I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come farther than my throat. "Bendy.....I.........I would like that. I knew from the moment I met you that we would connect. I felt a spark like I hadn't ever felt before. So, a accept your confession" his eyes lit up and e sprang towards me, his army's stretched out wide, knocking me to the ground and hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged back, noticing that Boris was laughing his head off in the doorway. I gave him a thumbs up before standing up with the devil still tightly grasping my side.
"Take that it went well then?"
"So well you couldn't believe"

Heyyyyyyy sorry for the delays and *cough* broken promises *cough* but IT IS DONE! And I am PROUDDDD. Idk I'm very tired it's exactly *looks at non existent clock* 11:00 wow I should be asleep I have school tomorrow.......oh well, Mrs.Hardy can GO AWAY I HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO BE DOING THAN FRENCH!!!!! Sorry I'm just tired. Imma go now....bye :D

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