The Forest ~ Chapter 3

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I trudged through the forest. Most people didn’t know how to

travel through wooded area, and what they don’t know scares them. That

is why I am sent out, to gather spices and foreign fruit since nobody

else is willing to go out. I guess since there is lions, tigers and

bears. Oh my. But I don’t mind going out to gather the herbs. My

grandmother needs them for medical uses and the rest we sell at a high

price since we are the only ones that gamble with the risks. I got to

my favorite tree in the meadow. It was huge and the trunk is bigger

than me. It sways in the sunlight and breeze. I relax for a while

sitting at the base of the tree. I see the meadow dancing with the

wind before I pull myself out out of the trance to get down to

business. I look down at the list of herbs grandma wants.

“Okay so I need some sage, some tarragon, a little bit of basil and

parsley, and then woah..she needs a lot of garlic!” I mumbled  to

myself. I mentally add chocolate mint to the list. I was going to treat

myself. As I was searching through the golden grass for herbs I hear

talking. At first I thought it was just a figure of my imagination.

Normally nobody is in the forest. The talking ceases. So I continue to


I could not understand what they were saying so at the time I just

passed it off as a couple of villagers passing through the forest on a

walk together. Maybe they were lost? They just didn’t know the dangers

of getting lost in the forest. Reassuring my I pick the mint leaves

from a new plant. Just as I was reaching for more I hear movement

through the trees that sounds like footsteps toward the towns

direction. I quickly run back to my tree with my basket of spices

tightly grasped in my hands. I’m pretty sure my knuckles were white

gripping the handle nervously. I peeked out from behind my tree to see

if I might catch the person or persons identity. I had no such luck as

I tried to find the owner  of the footsteps. I sat down with my back

against the bark trying my best to stay silent. I’m not sure why but I

had a bad feeling about the footsteps. Come on (name of charactor) you

can do this. Face your fears.

Dropping my basket, I ran across the meadow to where I last heard the

sounds. At first I didn’t see anything running down my trail. Then I

saw blond hair a figure walking. I realized it was a boy, my age,

walking quickly towards town. I did not get to see his face since his

ack was to me. I started quickening my pace to see the mystery guy.

“Sir, are you lost? Where are you going?” I called, but my efforts to

catch his attention were useless. I thought he didn’t hear me, then he

started running. For a moment i thought he was actually running. Then

I realized he was gliding. Gliding in air. A flash back hit me. The

airenders that attacked our town and left us to scavenge. Now they are

back. Or maybe, maybe I was just seeing things. It was the hype from

the anniversary, that's all. He moved off the beaten path. I was

going to follow him to confirm he wasn't an airbender, but I didn’t want

to risk going off path. I walked back to my tree to gather my equipment

and spices. It would probably take awhile to pick up and sort the herbs that fell when I dropped the basket. but when I came back it looked as if someone had picked up my basket put

the herbs back in it and set it nicely on the  ground.

“I wonder if it was the same guy as in the forest earlier?” I questioned not talking to anyone in particular..

“Oh well” I  thought but I couldn’t help but wonder about the guy I saw.I shouldn’t let my guard down. But he is not a man he is barely older than me! I

replied to myself. I began to walk back to the village when I began to

smell smoke, I quickly looked up to see clouds of dark grey racing

towards the sky in a massive heap. Suddenly I realized what was

happening the town was being attacked, but by who? Could it really be the airbenders are back? I put down my basket, hiding it behind brush ran through the forest as quick as I could. As

soon as I broke into the clearing of my small village the herbs were

long forgotten at the sight I was seeing.

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