Discovering Powers ~ Chapter 4

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I blink a few times. Why? Why did they have to come back? That’s all I can ask when my gaze looks over a burning town of chaos. I thought it was over, it wouldn’t happen again. We were already attacked before.

Our benders were in a line and bending the earth into boulders which they hurled towards the air benders.  The benders were gliding and evading the rocks while creating tornados and air assaults. The houses must have been lit on fire since the hay on top of the huts are burnt, leaving the bones of the homes rock exterior.

All I really want to do is run away instead of replaying this nightmare but I know I don’t want the ones I love taken away again. I won’t hideaway while my loved ones are ripped away. I run into the town keeping my eye out for Grandma.

“Victoria! Over here! Vic!” yells someone over fighting. I see Daphine running at me with a face full of panic.

“I’m so glad I found you,” she says while jumping behind a large rock to avoid a boulder being thrown our way.

“Hey, when did they get here? Where’s grandma?” I ask.

“I thought she would be with you…” she says. I glance over my shoulders trying to map out a plan to get to our hut. After a few moments I give up and just decide to bull shit it.

“Let’s run to our hut,” I yell before leaping into battle. I hear her murmur more to herself than to me something like “I swear if you get me killed” before she follows my footsteps.

A man stops me in my tracks grinning evilly at me. In one sweeping movement he bends a tital wave of air towards me and Daph. We both jump out of the way right before it passes us but within seconds another one comes our way. I pull myself up and jump out of the way of a ball of air coming towards me. I run towards the man and he starts to form another sweeping tidal wave of air when a rock comes flying at his head knocking him down hard. Surprised I look to see Justin, Daphine’s crush, fighting alongside of us.

“Thanks Justin.” I say. Daphine runs over to where Justin is fighting.

“I’m going to help him, go to your hut and find your grandmom,” she says starting to fight along side her new boyfriend. She starts swiftly kicking and punching rock at enemies. Even in the midst of battle I’m still jealous of her bending skills.

I run inside grandma’s hut. Its trashes as if someone was searching for something.

“Grandma? Grandma are you here? Grandma!” I yell frantically looking into every room of the hut. The place is vacant.

What if she was taken? What if she was kil… No Vic you will not think of the worst. I dash out into the battle field once again but stop in my tracks realizing a group of powerful air benders briskly walking towards me. I brace myself closing my eyes. So this is it. There’s no way to run. I don’t bend of fight. How could I get away when they are surrounding me.

“Where is the old lady?” a deep voice commands, but the voice sounds no older than me. Slowly I peel my eyes open. A teenage boy stands in front of me a few feet away. His blond hair spiked in the front and blue gray eyes are striking. He has a strong jaw line and build shows hes a fighter. I shake my head, to answer him and to scold myself for gawking at him while being surrounded.  Sure he was hot but why did he look familiar on top of that? I just couldn’t put my finger on why I felt like I had seen him once before.

“Search the hut for her,” he demands. Immediately several men walk into the huts. I hear ruuaging then they appear back.

“Sir no one is in the hut,” one says.

“She’s here somewhere. Search the place. Look under blankets, in cabinets, under beds, around the hut. She is here and we will find her no matter how long it takes.”

Confused by why my grandmother is so important I speak up,

“why do you want her? There must be others that could be more use to you than her. She is but a healer. Nothing more.”

“She might have information about something we need to know,” the mysterious leader says staring at me. For a moment I think almost see pity, but it is quickly replaced by a blank stare hiding any more emotion from his features. I hear voices starting to yell for the leader.

“Bring her with us.” He says strutting off towards the yelling. I follow, or more like be pushed along with him. We walk for a few minutes, and I can tell were heading straight for the lake. When we get there I am faced with my grandmother held down kneeling by multiple airbenders.

Anger builds inside of me. How dare they. How dare they hold my grandmother, a helpless kind old woman, captive and so brutally held? There are bruises among her flushed red cheeks. I can see her right leg is bleeding. Her head hangs low in defeat and I almost start to believe she’s unconscious.

“Look up,” says the leader. She doesn’t move. “ I said look up, or I will make you look up.”

Weakly her head goes up. Her eyes swollen and bruised she looks from him to me. Her expression changes from defeat to panic.

“Let her go,” grandma says faintly. I can barely hear her.

“No can do,” the boy says, a smirk tugging at his lips. What a cruel boy. Whatever doubts of his intentions are soon vanished.

“Please… just let her... go,” she repeats.

I can’t take it anymore. The scene of her so vulnerable and desperate makes me sick. I known her to be my rock; she was always the one there for more when I broke down and now she is on the brink of death… My blood boils and my fist knot up.

“You air benders. You evil men who pity none and like few. Only out there for your own personal gains. We have done nothing to you. It’s been ten years and yet you return to cripple us once more. Have you no shame?!  You fly on your bison and terrorize the earth nation. Your kind deserves a painful slow death like fire without oxygen,” I speak before I can calm myself.  I glare at the blond headed boy.

Then it happened, I’m not sure how or why but I felt power. For once in my life I felt no longer useless. All my anger, bad energy, and sadness was released into one hurling crack of lightning pointed towards the leader. Right before I released my energy I got a glimpse of the looks on their faces. They were in terrified shock.  Before I knew it almost all of the men were on the ground motionless.


Hi guys! I’m Jackie. I’m the other one writing this book. Me and Alyssa are writing every other chapter so I thought I would write to ya’ll after my chapter. So I thought this one was pretty exciting. I had quite the time writing it plus it’s a long chapter which made me happy. Feelin accomplished (;

Alyssa made a cover for our book and I changed the description for the story a little. Btw, we upload every Wednesday and Saturday (me being Wednesday and Alyssa Saturday) Annnyway…. I was hoping if anyone knew any good music to listen to. I honestly hate pop music and although I have a playlist of music I like (!/playlist/Inspiring+Writing/66951420) << It's also in the external link section.I kind of need more songs. I love indie, chill alternative, electronic, rock,movie music (even the classical songs), and certain types of rap. But I’m sort of picky with rap. I like mac miller, hoodie allen, and wont stop don’t stop but that’s the only rappers I like. Not exactly sure why. Guess they have an old school feel. Anywho, any ideas will help since I like listening to music while I write. Sorry I had a lot to say here hehehe.

Comment and fan!


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