Blue Eyes - Chapter 10

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I swear the view of Ba Sing Se from where we were standing was gorgeous, but I couldn’t much enjoy when Sage and Tim were yelling at each other the whole time. The town looked busy, business as usual, and the mountains beyond the city were broken by soft clouds. There's a large train system along with channels and roads. Along the paths are houses; so many houses. I know it’s a city,, but I was still not expecting so many homes.

While I stood gawking at the scene Sage and Tim were fighting. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if they actually got along. Would they stop being so pugnacious and realize theres no sense in fighting? Some things they fight over are so little, so irrelevant, that I don’t understand why they waste their breath on it.

“I told you we were going to split the strawberries. Now I’m absolutely starving since I barely had a breakfast.” complained Tim walking along with me and Sage towards the opening wall of Ba Sing Se.

“It wasn’t my fault I was hungry.” said Sage. She was grinning.

“You could have at least saved me a few, you know?” he grumbled.

“Will two please just stop? So Sage ate the strawberries? So what Tim?” I said, exhausted of the two. Sage nodded like she accomplish something mighty. “And Sage you could have at least saved a few for Tim, you knew he’d be hungry.” I conclude. Sages face turns to disappointment and Tim now looks like he’s going to do a victory dance. This whole time we’ve been walking to Ba Sing Se I’ve always had to get in the middle of their disputes.

Sage walks over to Time a bonks him on the head.

“Hey, what was that for?”

“For thinking you’ve won this battle. Were just getting started.” she said, walking past him and me.

I groan, why does everything have to be a competition between them? All we can see is the walls of Ba Sing Se now and the earthbenders checking luggage.

“And what brings you young ones to Ba Sing Se?” says the guard. He’s a big guy, got a lot of chub, and his beard is a dark brown color; matching his hair. His eyes are warm and although he’s huge he basically looks like one big old teddy bear.

“We... We were just coming to visit family...” Tim lies.

“Are you brothers and sisters?”

“Yes... yes we are.” Sage speaks up.

The man looks curiously at me, theres a look in his eyes that shows he’s trying to figure something out. He goes back to checking our bags for anything mysterious. I have my sword under my shirt where he wouldn’t be able to see it.

He lowers his voice so its only audible to me, “Are you the girl the airbenders are looking for? The one who is said to wield lightning?”

I nervously look away, scared he might turn me in.

“Don’t worry girl, I won’t tell. We need people to rebel against the airbenders anyway. There's a rumour that's going around that the airbenders want to attack the earth king.” he whispers to me. Sage and Tim are talking to one another. Huh, for once they actually look like normal people just chatting.

“Yes, I’m the girl that can play with electricity. Were actually here to find my parents and ask around if anyone knows of them. They are Matthias and Valentine Grenthe.” I say. He gasps in surprise once I say their names.

“I’ve heard of them. very well respected but they seem to have disappeared a while ago, nobody seems to know where they went. I’m sorry... I’m not much help here. Yeah let me make it up to you, since wanted posters are literally everywhere of you, lets make you a disguise. I think I might have an old cloak in my shed. I’ve also got some other clothes to keep the other two hidden just incase.” he then runs off into the city only to come back out after a minute.

“Here.” he says throwing me a cloak and the other two farmers clothes. “And I found these. I think they're a nice touch.” he continues, putting gardening hats on Sage and TIm. Sage’s hat falls into her face. Tim walks over to her, and adjusts her hat. She hesitantly looks at him and then looks away, giving him a playful nudge in his shoulder. Tim’s cheeks become slightly pink.

“Hah, thanks they are perfect! Thank you so much, but I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” I say, looking away from the two.

“It’s Leonard Holbrook. Now we’ve got a line of people waiting to come in so I’ll catch you later!” he said returning our bags and opening the walls. “And good luck!” he added before the rock walls enclose us in.

The amount of people in the city was overwhelming. So many people were rushing about, selling, buying, trading, eating, talking; they were doing everything. There were displays of goods, and chickens being handed over to buyers. People were bargaining and talking, and although it was loud it just added to the rush. I could smell fish, potatoes, corn, meat, and soups. The atmosphere was absolutely enticing.

Sage slaps me on my shoulder.

“I see you’ve never been in the city before. You like like you’ve seen a ghost.”  she giggles.  Well isn’t she just in a happy go lucky mood.

“Ya, I’m going to look around for an armory to get my sword fixed up, I think I may have cracked it a little during that last fight.” I say. “ You and Tim can get a bite to eat. I’ll catch you right here in about an hour.”

She agrees before walking off with Tim. Is it just me or was she happy that I was leaving them alone?

I keep hidden in the crowds when I’m walking around looking for a weapon shop. I keep my head low and hood up. Just then I bumped into something hard; a muscular chest. I smell a lemony, woodsy scent before looking up. Deep blue eyes meet mine. Zach. For a second we just stare at each other. His eyes almost look vulnerable for a second and I’m pretty sure I forgot to breath. I look at his lips, almost wishing mine were on them in the heat of the moment. He’s so close that his minty breath is on my forehead; giving me chills.

The lips curl into a smirk, and finally reality hits me. I basically just fell onto his lap, all he needs to do is grab my arm and then hes got me captured. My legs are realeased and I run so fast out of his way that I’m pretty sure all I left was dust.

**** Zach’s POV****

What in the world was that? For some reason I couldn’t move. I was too stunned. The way she looked at me... It was like she was seeing right through me. Her eyes are green and brwon like the forest and her hair was falling down her back. I almost wanted to take the hood off of her and make a move, but then she ran off making me realize I was meant to capture her not try to kiss her. I shake my head as if it’s clearing the thoughts out.

“Guards, go to the other side of the market, maybe we can catch Victoria by outsmarting her.” I yell. The guards scramble nervously. What a bunch of idiots. I then run to where she went.

*** Victoria’s POV***

Panicky I run through the crowd. People are yelling at me to watch where I’m going but I don’t care. If I could just get away in time maybe I’ll have a chance to live. Behind me I hear Zach yelling at the airbender guards but I’m too far away to make anything of it. If I could just get to the end of the market I can escape. I keep running, but in the midst of trying to get away I get tackled to the ground by a guard. I feel rope being tied around my wrists. The guards now cheering they got me, out a sack around my head like I’m some sort of animal.

All of a sudden the guards became silent. A soft, arrogant voice is next to my ear giving me goosebumps. I can almost hear Zach smiling.

“Nice to see you again, my dear.”


Okay, I'm so srry for being this late! Yesterday I was sick with allergies and couldn't think staright. Thursay I had to mow my aunts lawn for the first time this year and all the seeds from the grass went rgiht up my nose. Wednsday I had tons of soccer. But today I made sure to get this done, since its so late (its should have been done wednesday) . Really we don't have many fans of this story and I'm not sure why though since both Alyssa and me are working hard on it... Have a great weekend!


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