Being The Prisoner ~ Chapter 11

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**** Vic POV ****

I woke up, pushing my eyes open to the blinding artificial light. Definitly not a good wake up call. I sigh, pulling myself up to take in my bearings.

“Goodmorning sunshine, nice to see you awake.” a voice says, before I register a figure in front of me. Zach sat across from my cell, looking bored as if he was sitting there for awhile. I saw my bag next to him along with my book about lightning.

“I wish I could say the same, but then I’d be lying.” I sneered at him.

“Oh don’t be like that, dear. I would consider us... friends” He mused as he got up and walked in front of me.  “And now that we're here together, we have some time to talk to each other.” He continued.

I finally realized I was tied up against a wall, so even if I wanted to punch him in the face, believe me I did, I wouldn’t even be able. I began to look around and look for any possible escape routes, so if I did somehow get free, I would know where to go to get out of the dungeon. As I glanced around I noticed that this was not just any other cell. I’ve never seen anything like it before. The cell had three dark brown rock walls, one of which I’m attached to by cuffs. The other wall was made up of crystal like bars that continued to the ceiling; almost fifty feet up. Just by looking at them I knew I wouldn’t be able to use lightning to get out of the jail cell.

“Where am I?” I questioned him curiosity.

“Oh this little place? Just the crystal catacombs.” He told me, matter-a-factly. “You know your friends; they were just such easy targets... It was too simple.” he tells me.

“Leave my friends out of this! They have nothing to do with it.” I yelled at him. “Wait why am I even here, I didn’t do anything wrong!” I shouted in his face.

“Let’s just say your abilities of bending are unique. If you were a firebender that could make lightning there wouldn’t be anything special, but when you wind up for an attack the clouds above hover ominously. You take energy directly from the sky into a blast of pure lightning. It’s incredible. We’ve never seen it before. Normally skilled fire benders can bend lightning somewhat, but not a powerfully as you. You’re bending a purely lightning, which is why I have you here. Sure you did nothing wrong, but you could be of use of airbenders. Our own personaly tazor.” Zach says, evilily chuckling to himself.

“Like I would help the benders that attacked my town...twice. Forget it! You’re going have to find someone else if you want a show. ” I threatened him.

“If you want to see your parents you’re going to have to abide by our rules. I know who you are Victoria. Your parents are locked up right now, and you could save them if you just help us with one thing.Otherwise, we might as well kill them; they are a waste of space anyway” he said.

I could not let my parents die if I can do something to stop it; I have to do what he says, no matter what. Looking up, my gaze meets his smug look; even if I hate what they put me up to I have to go through with it. I give him a hateful glare, but I still fall into his fingertips.

“Fine. I’ll do it if you promise to let my parents free along with me.” I say, feeling defeated. How did he know about my parents?

“Deal.” He says smirking. How much I want to wipe that smile off of his damned face.”Get the air bison's ready, we set out to the air temple tonight after dinner!” He yells out to the men outside of the dungeon.

“Hey you... handle her. I don’t want her to get out of her cell.” He tells a soldier. Next thing I know an emotionless man comes into the cell and whacks me in the back of my head. Just before I went unconscious I saw Zach give me a look filled with so much emotion; anger, humor, and...guilt? Why would he be guilty when he put me in this cell to begin with? The blackness takes over as I tumble over from the blow...

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