New Guy ~ Chapter 8

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I look down surprised to see a bag full of coins grasped between my fingers. I didn't think mom's necklace was worth thaaat much. I look over at Sage, her eyes filled with excitement. Maybe we weren't going on a shopping spree for dresses, but I didn't care. Any kind of shopping spree works for me, and I'd much rather have several danishes and nice earthbending clothes then dresses that just get in the way.

Soon enough we are running everywhere getting supplies. I find multiple things that can help me figure out my powers. I buy "mythological" books about lightning bending, how ironic, I think to myself, that they portray it as a false power.

Apparently years ago there was a lightning bender, but it was years ago and records are never reliable. I'm pretty sure, though, that I'm a bender of lightning, since a bolt literally jump from my fingertips. I look down at my hands, well they aren't burnt to a crisp. That's a good sign right? I smile, maybe I wasn't powerless after all.

I walk from vendor to vendor, my eyes scanning. In less than 30 minute both me and Sage buy apples, bread, soup, blankets, bags, a map, walking boots, earthbender clothes, soap for our hair, water canteens, flint for firewood, scrolls on firebending moves for Sage (she was begging me to buy them for her), and some books about lightning for me.

"I can't wait to learn theses moves! You will help me right? I mean I know you're not a firebender, but a moving target would be nice training along the way Basing" she says grinning at me like I'm a meal.

"I'll help you, but as long as I don't become ashes. I wouldn't mind learning a few moves once I get a sword. I definitely could use it. I think I actually bought a manual for sword fighting, It's somewhere in this damn bag..." I say while rummaging through my newly bought items. Little did I realize I was about to get trampled by a boy walking my way.

"Uhff..." a voice very close to me says after nearly running me over. I look up from the ground and see a boy my age with dark curly hair and green eyes. He is tall with broad shoulders and very tan. Although attractive, I notice Sage is checking him out and blushing crimson red. Who knew the bad ass girl could like a boy. I smirk.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! I must have not been looking where I was going." he says running his hand through his hair. He holds his hand out to pull me up. I grab it, putting all my weight on it to pick myself up.

"Uhm... No problem I guess. I wasn't looking either." I say brushing the dirt off my butt.

"Great job Sherlock, now you got her looking like she just went through a dust storm." Sage intrudes, glaring at him. God I'm glad I'm not in his position. What happened to the love struck Sage, or was that just a figure of my imagination? He cocks his eyebrow at Sage.

"And you are?"


" Sage, not a bad name. Kind of reminds me of the herb. I'm Tim, not that you asked. Well if you excuse me, I'm going to talk to some cute vendors over there that are already falling in love with me now. They are obviously desperate, and duty calls. You know, hey, kind of reminds me of how you were checking me out just a minute ago. Bye bye now." he says smirking. Sage just looks like shes been slapped, her jaw dropped to the floor by the boy who just walked all over her. He starts walking away, but then stops.

"Oh by the way, sorry again Victoria." he calls over his shoulder before fading into the crowd of merchants and shoppers. Now both me and Sage are shocked. How the hell did he know my name?

"Well that was weird..." I say breaking the trance me and Sage were in.

"Let's just forget about it." she grumbles still angry about him calling her out. We start walking again, now people watching instead of shopping. I pull out the map I bought earlier.

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