The Freedom Fighters ~ Chapter 9

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All of us together me, Sage, and now our new member Tim start out on our long journey to Ba Sing Se.

“Will you two shut UP!” I yelled at sage and tim. “You’ve been fighting the entire day now please just give me at least two minutes of silence.” We continued our way through the dense woods. CRACK!
“Guys did you hear that?” I asked them breaking up their silent glare down.
“Hear what Vic?” Asked Sage after she looked away from Tim.
“Yeah I didn’t hear anything Vic, maybe you're just tired we’ve been walking all day why don't we set up camp” Tim stated. We all agreed so we continued to walk looking for a great place to set up camp. After a few minutes Sage yells out : “Hey guys what about this!” She called to me and Tim. I walked over a few feet in front Tim who was complaining about how she found the spot before him.  How am I going to be able to live with these two not killing each other. I thought to myself. When we arrived I Thought it looked good so when began to set up by the time we were done the sun was setting.
“Hey guys I’m going to get some sleep see you in the morning, oh and don’t kill each other while i’m gone. OKay?” I asked the. After some inaudible mumblings they both agreed and I went into my tent to sleep. I layed down and quickly fell asleep. A few hours later I hear someone moving around the camp. OH well it’s probably just sage or tim. I thought trying to go back to sleep but right when I closed my eyes I heard something.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” a girl yelled. Sage! It was Sage who yelled, faster than I could blink I was up dressed and out of my tent ready to fight. When I looked up at the scene in front of me I saw Sage tied up against a tree, and I saw five guys fighting with Tim. Suddenly Tim lost his footing and fell backwards the 5 strangers tie him up and put him next to sage.
“Grab all the supplies you can!” Yelled what looks like the leader.
“Touch anything and you’re going to be in major trouble.” I said in the most threatening voice I could muster.
“Oh and who’s this? A girl ... who thinks she can beat us.... US!” The boy said “Get her!” he yelled to his friends. They started to run at me, fast. Okay 6 against 1 so not fair. I thought to myself. We started to get intense. Okay dodge, dodge, punch, kick, dodge, kick. Was the only thought going through my head the entire time we were fighting. By this time the 5 goons began to get tired but thr leader was still going at me hard. He sent a butterfly kick towards my legs but i countered it and punched him in the jaw... twice. He tripped me back before I could kick him in the jewels.
“So you really think you could come at me without getting a punishment?” he sneered in my ear. As he pinned me against a nearby tree he pressed his body so close to mine. EWH i could feel his breath against my neck. All of a sudden out of nowhere he starts to forcefully kiss me. I could feel my anger rushing through my veins. Finally I could not take it anymore i took all my anger and shot it out my hands. When he was shocked he jumped away from me.
“What the he-” He tried to say but was silenced when i shot a bolt of electricity at his chest. All of his friends began to back up. When I looked down I noticed that the electrical sparks were going around my hands and up to my shoulders. I shot little bolts of lightning at the 5 goons once they were all gone my anger seemed to just disappear. I fell to my knees exhausted.
“Vic! VIC! are you okay” someone yelled. I look to my left and see sage with a concerned look on her face.
“I'm fine” I tell her getting closer to help her get untied. Once they were untied we went back to our tents.
“Hey who were those guys?” Sage said before any of us went into our tents.
“I don’t know but we better be careful for now on in this forest don’t want that to happen again!” Tim said half serious half joking.
“Yeah yeah” I told them only half listening. I then made my way back into the tent. I laid down but could not go back to sleep.Once it was morning i headed outside and packed up all of my equipment. Once my equipment was packed I went to wake the other 2 up. They got ready we cautiously made our way through the woods.
“I think we're lost.” stated sage
“For once i agree with her.” Tim said. Once we continued walking in circles we saw the guys from the other night jump down in front of us. We all got into our fighting positions when an old guy walked out from behind them.
“Hello, my name is jet original leader of the Freedom Fighter.” the old guy said.
“The freedom fighter?” tim asked. That is the same question i wanted to know.
“An organization i started long ago now less about me. My boy here tells me that you,” he said pointing at me. “can control electricity. Is that correct?” He asks me.
“Well....umm. yeah i can kinda...” I told the man..jet. we began to talk to Jet about how the freedom fighters have changed and about how to get to Ba Sing Se through the woods. Jet decides to send this guy named Jace, and let me tell you he was smoking hot in every way, to take us through the woods to Ba Sing Se. YES hot guy aboard. I thought to myself wait i can’t think things like that i don’t even know him. The entire time through the woods jace and i were talking, flirting and joking around best time ever! We finally reached the ege of the woods you could see over Ba Sing Se.
“well this is goodbye... for now” jace said to me.
“Yeah ... for now” i told him back. He then kissed me on the cheek and left back into the woods.
“He so likes you vic.” sage told me.
“No he was just being nice” i told her back.  She dropped the topic and started to tell me about how much she hated, and i mean HATED tim. This is going to be a looooong trip. I told myself.

Hey Guys! It’s alyssa the other author. I hope you like the story soo far <3 Keep Reading!

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