ch. 4 | frog face

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El woke up startled from the intense dream.

She had dreamt about Mike.

Which was odd since she hadn't dreamt about him since her days in the forest. All she could recall from her dream was that he was desperately trying to find her.

Eleven remembered when she met Mike and the rest of the boys for the first time. She hadn't known that her life would completely change from that day forward.

Michael "Mike" Wheeler was somebody she would never forget. He treated her differently than anybody else had. He took care of her and showed her what true friendship was. His sweet smile and dark eyes told a story that only she could understand. It had been four years since she last saw him. She always thought about going to check to see how him and the other boys were doing. However, in the back of her mind she fought with herself about it. She knew that she caused so much trouble while she was with them. She had literally put all their lives in jeopardy and even caused a feud between Mike and Lucas. It had been years and she was pretty sure they had forgotten about her by now or pushed her aside. They were probably doing well for themselves anyways.

Wait, could they still be in Hawkins?

She glanced over at her alarm clock and turned it off before it could buzz. It was officially her first day of school at Hawkins High. She felt nervous but excited all at the same time and a knot began to grow in her stomach. She got up and got dressed into some denim overalls and boots. She combed her now much longer hair and put on a pink headband. She was ready.

She noticed that Rachel's car was gone so she figured that Hop must be taking her to school.


He let out a loud snore before turning over on his bed

She shook him "Wake up"

"Just one more minute Rachel, I'll.. I'll be there in a little" He said groggily

El getting slightly irritated used her powers to strip away the covers from Hop's bed and push him onto the floor


"Whoa, whoa, I'm up, I'm up" He turned his attention to El

"El, what are you doing here?"

"Remember? School?"

It suddenly hit him as he looked at his clock

"Oh shit! We're gonna be late!" He yelled, running to get ready

El looked out the window as they drove in town for the first time. Memories began to resurface as she looked out at Hawkins. She stared in awe at the hustle and bustle of the people going to work and school. To everyone else this was just a normal everyday thing but to El it was something she had always wanted but never had.

Hopper looked over at her as they got closer to the school

"Remember when people ask you what El is short for just say Eleanor."

"Elle-a-nor She repeated stressing each syllable

"Good, now here's some money for lunch and you're wearing that bracelet I got you right?"

She looked down at the shiny silver bangle "Yes"

"Please don't take that off, we don't want people heckling you about your tattoo"


"Sorry, I'm talking too much, I just want your first day to go well" He said while parking the car

"But you ready kid?"

She smiled at him "I think so"

Lucas threw a paper ball at a nodding off Dustin

Mike tapped his pencil repeatedly on his desk as he looked up at the clock for the fifth time in a twenty minute span.

Their history teacher was mundanely lecturing the class about the Boston Tea Party and it seemed never ending.

"Pshhh.. Mike"

Mike turned to look at Lucas

He shoved a flyer in his face

Mike read the flyer noticing the big bright red word "Homecoming" written across

"I was thinking of asking Max.." Lucas whispered

"You should do it man, I'm sure she'll say yes"

"I hope so but.."

Mr. Duncan suddenly interrupted them snatching the flyer from Mike's hand.

"I think the sons of liberty are more important than some silly dance boys" He nodded disapprovingly

"Aww how cute they wanna be each other's dates for homecoming!"

The class erupted in laughter

"Shut up Troy!"

"What you say frog face?" Troy barked, getting up from his seat

"Class, class, settle down and Mr. Harrington please have a seat" motioned Mr. Duncan

The bell rang.

Students rushed out the class as Troy pushed by Mike and his friends knocking down their papers

"Excuse me ladies." He laughed, leaving the class

Dustin picked up everything "Dude is a good for nothin, mama panty wearin, butty ugly punk"

"Yeah. he's such a huge jerk" Lucas replied

Dustin smiled "Remember that one time he pissed on himself in the gym?"

All three of the boys laughed as they relished in the memory

"Yeah he got shown up by a girl" Lucas chuckled

"El was SO bad ass using her mind tricks to squeeze his tiny balls! I wondered what ever happened to her though?"

Lucas glared at Dustin "Man.. hush.."

"Wha.. what I say?"

Lucas quickly pointed back at Mike who grew silent

Suddenly it clicked as he figured out what he did wrong."Oh.. so uh uh.. Mike buddy.. You got anybody in mind for homecoming?" He said desperately trying to change the topic

"I'm not going" He grumbled as he walked out the door

Lucas smacked Dustin "Look what you did!"

"Hey, I have an idea on how we can help Mike get out of his funk"

Lucas perked up "I'm listening"

"We find him a date for the dance!"

They boys grinned as though they had thought of the greatest idea yet.

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