ch. 26 | promise?

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"Mike.. stop.." she breathed

The door, his friends, and freedom were all right there, right in front of him. He could see it.


Mike forcefully came to a halt unwillingly

He looked down at her puzzled

"I have to kill it" she muttered almost incoherently

"No, You're too weak.. You can't."

"I have to. It's dangerous." she slowly pushed herself out of his arms and did her best to stand on her own two feet

"El we can make it though. If we leave now, we can always be together. We can go to more dances like prom, we can see more sunsets maybe even one across the ocean this time, and we can go on the plane ride I promised you. Just the two of us, We-we can grow old together.."

She looked up into his desperate dark eyes

Every time she looked at him she saw it.

When she was a little girl she would often imagine another world to escape the current one she faced. She'd look out the windows of Hawkins Lab and there she'd daydream of a world that she hadn't known but wanted, one of peace, of love, and of happiness.

And that's what Mike was,

He was this world she only thought she'd find in her dreams,

He was her world.

She smiled softly before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek

But she had made up her mind. She had to destroy the demogorgon.

She knew that it would wreak havoc otherwise and it would be unfair to let any more innocent lives suffer because of her.

He swallowed a hard lump as he fought back tears "Please, don't do this. I can't lose you a second time"

El made her way back towards the shrieking monster but turned around to see him, knowing it could be her last

"I love you Mike"

His mind suddenly flashed back to when they were both twelve and he could see a young El turning around to say her final goodbye.

He suddenly snapped back into reality.

This can't be goodbye. He hadn't had enough time with her.

She faced the beast, lowered her eyes, and stuck her hand out.

"NO!" He yelled, hot tears stinging his face

The monster soon obliterated into the air, black specks slowly falling to the ground

El violently fell backwards

Mike ran, catching her before she collided with the floor

Her vision went fuzzy but she could somewhat make out the face that was in front of her

His tears fell and splashed onto her cheeks "El, I've got you. Just hang in there, you're gonna be okay" he said, gathering her in his arms

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