ch. 6 | good different

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The lunch bell rang.

Mike opened up his blue locker to put away his books and pick up his lunch sack. The lunch was awful here and no way he'd be caught having mystery loaf or whatever surprise the lunch ladies conjured up so he played it safe with a turkey sandwich and some oreos.

As he grabbed his lunch and shut his locker, he felt something. A strange sensation suddenly overcame him, his arm hairs stood on end and he began to feel chills run through his body. He shook his head trying to shake off the weird feeling.

Once he turned around, he saw a girl with medium length wavy brown hair halfway down the hall from him. He couldn't see her face clearly but he knew she must've been a new student.

He couldn't explain why but he was strangely drawn to her. He slowly followed her to see where she was going but he stopped, soon realizing what he was doing.

"Dude what's wrong with you? You can't just stalk some random chick" He thought to himself

He made his way to the cafeteria instead. The familiar smell of meatloaf along with the tons of loud ongoing conversations filled the atmosphere.

The cafeteria was split into different sections. Football players and cheerleaders, the cool kids, band geeks, goths, misfits, and your average nerds.

The average nerd section is where the boys ate lunch at.

"So what's for lunch today, Mike?" Dustin asked

"Turkey sandwich, apple and oreos.. What you got?"

"Tuna and some lays"

"Alright.. trade you the oreos for the lays"

"Deal." Dustin replied handing Mike the chips

Lucas waved his hands in their faces "So guys onto more important matters, we should go see Beetlejuice tomorrow!"

Mike raised an eyebrow "Uh why.. Beetlejuice?"

"Because Max wants to seeee it" Dustin blurted in a sing song voice

Lucas elbowed him in the side "Man shut up! She's coming!

The redheaded girl then came and sat down at the table

"So what's new with you losers?" She smiled

"We're gonna go see beetlejuice tomorrow, You in?" Lucas chimed

"Hell yeah. I've been wanting to see that movie since I've heard about it! I didn't know you guys were into that type of thing."

"Well we are full of surprises"

"More like full of bull" Mike uttered as he faked a cough

Max was confused "Wait. what was that?"

Lucas glared at Mike "It was nothing."

Oh Chemistry Class.

One of Mike's favorite classes not only because of the cool experiments but also because it was the last class of the day.

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