chp#13 the cloud

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Happiness and Joy spread all over the land of Salemmah

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Happiness and Joy spread all over the land of Salemmah. The king opened all treasures for beggars and needy people. Everywhere was peace and harmony.

However, I was sad , my wish didn't come true .

What if Amna was lying and I can't ever meet him again ?
Maybe she lied because I was trying to commit suicide.

Three days passed since the birth of the baby. The king and queen used to give me hope , they were very nice people , I was very happy for them both . The queen was also getting better.

On the fourth day during lunch , suddenly a maid came running and started crying . After taking a long breath she said ,
" when the maid was giving bath to the little baby boy, a cloud came inside and took the baby along with it and disappeared in the sky".

The king and queen got up at once and ran inside the baby's room. The queen fainted when she couldn't find him and the king ordered his guards to go look for the baby everywhere. He then sat on the bed, kept his hands on his eyes and cried for hours. The guards looked for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. Everyone was mourning.

 Everyone was mourning

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A few days passed. I heard someone crying , the sound was coming from inside the baby's room. I went inside the room where I found the queen sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. I sat beside her and held her soft hands and told her that the prince will be found safe and sound.

While I was talking to the queen, a cloud magically appeared , it floated towards the bed and left the baby on the bed then disappeared. The baby was sucking his thumb and was fully dressed in pearls and jewellery.

 The baby was sucking his thumb and was fully dressed in pearls and jewellery

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The queen wrapped him around her arms and kissed him . The king was told about the good news and he came running in the room and hugged the baby. We all thanked God.

I decided to stay till I find my prince and the king and queen asked me to stay as long as I wish .
Every first Friday of the month, a cloud used to come to take the prince and after a few days when he came back he used to be covered in pearls and jewellery.

We all were very curious to know that where does the prince disappear to. I had an idea and told the king to write a letter and keep it in the baby's cot , so who ever takes the baby will read it and answer our question.

The king wrote , " I am king Sadiq , the king of Salemmah and the father of the prince . We are curious to meet you and want to know that why do you take my child."

After writing the letter, when the day for the baby to disappear came, the king kept the letter with the baby

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After writing the letter, when the day for the baby to disappear came, the king kept the letter with the baby.

After a few minutes, the cloud appeared and disappeared with the baby and the letter.

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