Alpha's and fainting

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"Hello, I'm sorry to intrude but apparently someone from your pack threatened my brother. I just had to come and see who that was." his voice sounds like honey but had an undertone of suppressed anger. I don't know if it's the alpha but seeing as he was the first to speak, it must be. I don't think he noticed me because if he did I believe I would have already been dead. He seemed to be sniffing around, though. As if he smelled something.

"Yes, I found out just now as well. Please forgive my daughter. she is only a kid and doesn't have the right knowledge yet. I hope you understand." dad replies.

"If she is you daughter shouldn't she know where everything is? What your borders are? And the only reason why she wouldn't know much would be if she were a little kid. Last I heard that wasn't the case."

"She is not that young but she doesn't go out much and doesn't really indulge in where is what."

"Well, I would still like to meet her." he answers.

"Alright then. Jade, please, come out" I step out from behind Ben and walk with my head lowered towards the alpha. I feel a bit intimidated to directly look at him.

"This is your daughter!? When you spoke of her I thought she was 10 or 11 but she looks almost 18. And being your daughter shouldn't she know her own pack?" he asks incredulously.

I cringe. His voice was slightly rising. Seeing my discomfort dad growls.

"Do not talk about my daughter that way or I'll have you dead in no time." dad says in a deadly whisper. The other alpha growls too.

"You dare threaten me!?" Ben, Russell and the two other guys step towards their alphas in defense.

Before a war breaks out in our living room I step in between them. Turning my back to my dad I put one of my hands out to stop any further advancements from the man.

"Sorry, it was my fault. please don't start fighting. I know I should know my own pack but I don't. I swear though once you guys leave I'll get right to learning everything about it. I promise." I quickly apologize.

Dad growls at me in warning. He doesn't like it when I apologize to anyone especially someone he doesn't particularly like that much. I still haven't looked up at the alpha so I don't know what he is feeling but I do know that at least they've stopped for now.

"Why do you smell that way?" I hear him mutter. Confused I look up. I smell funny? Hell, I was thinking he smelled funny. The second our eyes meet I feel as if a bolt of lightning struck me. Stumbling back I fall into my dad's arms.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER!?" dad roars. The loud sound in my ears brings tears to my eyes. Not knowing what I was doing I wrench myself out of my dad's hands and blindly look for something I knew was the safest place I could be in. I stagger into a pair of arms that were foreign yet familiar. As if I've always meant to be in them.

Looking up with blurry eyes I see the alpha. "Help me.." I whisper before darkness takes over my mind.

el-lo people! I know It's short but it is a proper ending right?? so you can't kill me and on top of that the next chapter is already there so you can't really me bad. 

And can I just ask you.. Is she a drama queen or is she a drama queen. phew! (teehee) 

Au revoir my beautiful and handsome people (You know its so weird how we don't really acknowledge the guys. I don't even know if many guys use wattpad and if they do what do they use it for??... That is something we should think about...)


Alpha and  the MouseWhere stories live. Discover now