New best friends and Awkward falls

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Aiden's pack is somehow way larger than mine. It's baffling really. Didn't they recently move in? How did they grow so fast? Maybe we didn't estimate the size of their pack properly. Or were they hiding the fact that they are bigger because when a pack is this large it means that everything they did and have is bigger and better too. These thoughts run through my mind as I sit on a bench right outside the pack doctors hospital? I think?. I never really thought about that.

What do you call the place where pack doctor's work?

Aiden left to deal with some pack business and I feel bored and awkward. Everyone here is staring at me as if I'm from outer space and me being me haven't made it too hard for them to see the difference. When Aiden left me I was 5 feet away from the bench and somehow while I was walking here I tripped on a tiny pebble, A PEBBLE! Can you imagine that? I was red as a tomato. Then when I finally reached the bench as I was sitting down I magically missed it.I MISSED SITTING ON A HUGE ASS BENCH! WHO DOES THAT!? Sprawled on the ground with my butt pointing towards the sky I was the best spectacle anyone has ever seen. Just great! Now no one would try to befriend a freak like me. Wait. why do I feel sad about the fact that I won't make friends? Do I want friends?

"Who doesn't want friends? You loser!" Great, my wolf is back

"Why are you in my head in the first place? Don't the gods know anything about privacy?"

"Why are you disrespecting god you.. you bobolyne!"

"What the hell? What is a bobolyne?"

"It's you! You fool!"

"Hey! Why are you so mean to me?"

"Because you deserve it you cumberworld!"

"You know what? I'm not going to take offence to that because I don't even know what that means"

"It means someone who is useless and right now sitting here doing nothing? You're useless."

"What do you want me to do? Go tackle someone? Just because your highness is bored?"


"Whatever, I don't want to talk to you anymore either!"

Ignoring her grumpy self, I look around. If Jason is here then that would be cool although right now I can take Jayden too. I'm that desperate for some company. Everywhere I look it seems like the universe is poking fun at me. Couples and large groups of people are talking, playing, or just plain having fun. And then there is me. My lonely self is just sitting here like a loner a.. What was that my wolf called me.. Cumberworld? Yes that! I am a cumberworld. A useless nobody. A Fopdoodle.

Wow! Look at what my life had come too. I'm using old english insults. I should just go ahead and throw myself a pity party while I'm at it.

"Hi!" startled I look up too see a girl probably around my age. She is pretty. Her blond locks and bright blue eyes, that remind me so much of Rosy, and tanned skin makes her look like a perfect barbie doll. I gulp. I don't know what to say. So I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Scobblelotcher!" the girl cocks her head to the side and stares at me quizzically.

"Sorry what?"

"It means an idle person, you know? someone who twiddles their thumbs and...." I trail off. This is so awkward! Say something smart before she runs away!

"Ummm.. Hi I'm Jade and poo?"


"So.sor.sorry! I meant you.." I'm screwing up. The one time someone actually comes up to me I end up saying something so weird. I shouldn't even talk to her. I should just just go into a corner and die.

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