broken hearts and unwanted people

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"I'm sorry but I can't accept you." these 7 words break my heart and shatter my soul. I haven't even said it to his face and I'm already dying.

Yesterday, after I went outside the first thing I did was ask my mate what is name was. He looked at me funny, but then replied Aiden. Aiden, such a pretty name. I didn't have the strength to reject him that day but I knew that when he was coming back on my birthday, which is tomorrow, I would have to tell him.

I take out a black dress and put it on in front of my mirror. No amount of makeup was going to cover the bags under my eyes. I couldn't catch even a drop of sleep last night. I kept rolling around the entire night, my mind plagued with how I was supposed to reject my mate because my dad/alpha said so.

Speaking of which, I haven't spoken to my dad at all after what he said. Actually, I haven't spoken anyone since then. Rosy tried to force me into eating something but I refused. I knew if I ate something I would puke.

Carelessly throwing my hair in a bun, barefoot I step out into the living room. Seeing the person on our couch I freeze. No! what is he doing here! He wasn't supposed to be here. Dad said he banned him far from our territory. He said I was safe now!

Stumbling back I fall onto a vase. The sharp pieces cut into my back and into the sole of my feet but I don't feel it. All I feel is the panic and fear. I need to get out of here. I need to get out NOW!!

Quickly, I race up the stairs and I still don't feel the pain. But from a number of times I have slipped on my own blood I know, it's a deep gash. Running towards Rosy's bedroom I lock myself in. I didn't see if he followed me upstairs but I'm not going to take the risk. A minute later the door handle starts to jiggle.

"Jade I know you're in there. Please come out. I'm sorry for everything that happened. Look even the alpha forgave me. Please open this door" he begs, bit I know they are a lie. All these years that I've known him never had he ever spoken the truth to me.

Sneaking up to the window I peek through it, trying to gauge how far the ground is. Nobody seemed to be in the back and the ground was pretty close too. Opening up the window I climb onto the window sill. Taking a deep breath I count to three and then jump.

Squeezing my eyes shut I wait for the impact but when I landed it didn't hurt as much; although it did knock the breath out of me. Even as I gasp for air I run towards the front of the pack house. As I run I think how horrible it is that I could possibly not make it to the funeral today. I really wanted to be there.

Ben was standing by the podium where he was going to address the family's unfortunate death. Increasing my speed I run towards him.

"BEN! BEN! HELP ME! The man- house-kill-HELP!" I know I don't make sense but he somehow still gets me.

"Breath Jade breath. It's going to alright. You're okay now. I won't let anyone hurt you. Now stay here and keep breathing I'll send over someone with water while I go check out who is in the house alright?" I nod. "Good girl"

He sprints away the second I sit down and a minute later a guy named Cole to come up to me with water. From what I remember he was 22 and had a mate named Judy. He is pretty nice considering he never complained about me breaking his windows with the ball whenever we played baseball.

My eyes close as I sip the water. I don't think anyone noticed the blood and I'm too tired to tell them. The shock has numbed the pain for now when it hurts I'll tell them. With my droopy eyes I see someone running towards me blinking the haziness away I notice that it's him! Using all my remaining strength I get up and start sprinting away blindly. A while later I end up in the forest. I don't know which direction Aiden's pack is so I start calling out his name. I scream and run until I can't anymore. My throat parched and my body weak, I tumble onto the forest floor.

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