Sensitive feelings and new people

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In a blur of movement Aiden was out of his seat and was over me in a protective stance as he roared towards the people at the door. Then suddenly one person jumps on Aiden who in turn falls on me. In conclusion, my breath was knocked out of my already weak chest and I'm left gasping for air as I try to push Aiden off of me.

But lucky me, Aiden refuses to move away and I'm left struggling. Through the commotion I hear a voice call out.

"Get off of her you mangy fools! You're going to turn her into a pancake." a man's voice shouts.

And then another voice says "Ohh! Pancakes? I want it. I want, I want it!!" he yells out in happiness.

"Shut it! Nobody is making pancakes but that poor girl is going to become one if nobody moves off of her!"

"Wait does that mean she would taste like pancakes? Can I eat her then?"

"What is wrong with you we don't eat people!"


I'm still fighting to get them off me but nothing seems to be working. These guys probably grew up eating a lot of meat! Since I still cannot speak I can't even yell at them to move away. But i try, god have mercy I try. And then, as if a miracle, a tiny voice comes out of my mouth. I widen my eyes. It's working!

Overjoyed I try again, and again, and again until FINALEMENT!

"Get off of me! Get off, get off, get OFF!" I scream. Then with my frail hands I start hitting any body part I could reach. I feel a few hands come and pry them off of me and I sigh a breath of relief. Terrified now I pull the blanket over my head. I hear a few people speak at once.

"What's wrong with her? Is she hiding because she's a pancake?" the stranger asks.

"It's okay Jade. I'm sorry. I was so shocked that I didn't notice I was over you." Aiden says.

"Can I get ice cream" a kids voice asks.

"Sorry Aiden I was just trying to surprise you. I didn't mean anyone to get hurt." a remorseful voice apologizes.

"Jade? It's okay you can come out now. We won't hurt you. Please, come out." Aiden says as I feel his hand tentatively reach for the blanket. Pulling the blanket closer with tightly clenched fist. I speak.

"No. I..I can't. Leave me alone."

"Oh no Jade, I can't leave, actually I won't leave you. I did that once and look what has happened. I won't put myself through that again." he says.

"GO AWAY!" I yell. I don't want anyone near me. Not even Aiden. When he fell on top of me, for a second i was back in that place again. In the dark with no one there but that heavy weight on me. I remember feeling so useless, weak and hopeless. I don't want to feel that way again.

"Jade.." he calls but I refuse to move the blanket away.

"Let her be Aiden. She needs time to deal with herself. You shouldn't force her." I hear the lady say to him.

"I'm sorry Aiden I know this is my fault. I'll make it up to you and her. I swear it." says the guy who first jumped on top of me.

After a moment the door opens and I hear everyone walk out. I sense one of them linger for a second and then they walk out too. I know I've hurt Aiden's feelings but I can't think about that now. I know one thing though. I don't want to run away. I'm not afraid to be here but I'm slightly scared of the people. I know Aiden would never intentionally harm me but the others? I don't know about them.

Alpha and  the MouseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt