Mental talks and grumpy men

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My eyes open up to blinding light.

Am I in heaven? No, that's not possible. I've committed way too many sins to be forgiven.

I raise my hands to see bandages covering them. Confused I look under the blanket to see white stuff covering my feet as well and I could already feel the ones on my back.

Someone fixed me up.

No shit sherlock.

Who said that?

Your conscience.

I have a conscience? When did that happen?

Oh, you nincompoop! I'm your wolf!

Wait I can talk to my wolf? When did that happen?

It happened right now when you found our mate.

So you're saying that the only reason you're talking to me right now is because you're feeling horny and you want our mate?


Hello? Wolfy, you there?


Look I know you want him so don't even try to deny it


Wait are you dead? Why are you dead. Are you too dumb to be alive? Hello?

Oh, shut up!

Why did I have to be your wolf? I hear her mutter.

Fine! be that way you horny beast...


Rolling my eyes at my wolf I take in my surroundings. There was a nice fireplace across from the bed with a comfy looking love seat. The fire gave a soothing glow to the room and also kept it warm. Then suddenly it hit me.

This isn't my room! And oh. My. god! He was there! How did he come on our grounds without being detected? Did dad allow him back? But why would he do that? That man killed his mate!

The last thing I remember was reaching Aiden's borders, which would mean that right now I'm in Aiden's room? Would he even want me to sleep in his room? As I am contemplating these thoughts the door to the room creaks open. I shudder. I hate creaky anything. They are the go to sound in horror movies.

"Oh thank god you're up! Let me go call the alpha! He will be overjoyed to hear about it" she left as fast as she came. Pulling the covers up to my chin I shiver. I don't know what to expect. Should I be worried? Should I be happy? I know Aiden already told me that whatever happened he was never to be blamed for but after what happened today? Or was it yesterday? my fears came back full force. I don't know if I would feel comfortable to have any type of man near me right now.

I hear running footsteps and then the door bangs open. Startled I look at the intruder with wide eyes. It's Aiden ! for a few moments we just stared at each other. Then he is striding towards me as if an invisible string is pulling him. But when he tries to cup my face I cower away. Internally I'm cringing so hard right now, I know he feels hurt too but he covers it up with a smile. Although he doesn't know what happened he is till trying his best to understand. I don't think he will be forcing me anytime soon.

"It's okay Jade. You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you." as he says this his eyes move towards the direction of my covered feet. His eyes harden but he doesn't say anything else.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food? Anything you want and I'll give it to you."

When I tried to reply no sound come out. Perplexed I try again. Still, nothing comes out. Looking around the room I spot the glass of water. With a weak hand, I point at it. As he stares at the water his head tips to the side. A second later he smacks himself on the head and chuckles.

"Haha sorry. I'm staring right at the water and I couldn't understand. Am I stupid or am I stupid?" he looks at me with an embarrassed smile as he scratches the top of his head.

I stare blankly at him.

"What? That wasn't funny?" he asks.

I continue staring at him with a blank face.

"Oh come on, smile at my stupidity! Please!" he begs.

Why is begging me to laugh at something at wasn't funny?

Because he wants you to smile you chupacabra!

So now you want to talk to me?


Ignoring her childishness, I continue to look at him.

"Oh come on! Tell me that was funny!" he says as he throws up his hands. I shake my head, no

"Ouch," he says as he puts a hand to his heart.

"I know it wasn't that good but it was little but funny, right?" I shake my head. "Not even an atom's worth of funny?" shake again.

"Okay fine!" he grumbles as he sits down on the chair beside me. I burrow further into the blanket.

Peeking at him from under the blanket I continue to stare at as he stares at me. 5 minutes pass and we still haven't broken our gaze. He puts a hand to his forehead and sighs.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I still keep staring.

"Are you hungry?" I stare.

"Do you need something?" I stare

"God do you want me to leave then? Is that what you want?" my eyes widen at his anguished face. I quickly shake my head. I don't want him to leave. Watching him is actually very calming for me. I want to tell him that but I'm not ready yet. At the shake of my head, he smiles, an honest to god smile. His shoulders relax and he stoops down into his chair.

"Good because I wasn't going to leave anyway," he says with confidence but I know he felt worried for a second that I would say yes. How I know that I do not know.

My eyes start drooping as we sit in companionable silence. The peace is broken by multiple people's voice drifting up from, I believe, downstairs. I tense up as I hear them and when I look towards Aiden, he seemed to be in deep sleep with his mouth slightly open. Shaking my head at his ridiculous face I keep my attention on the door.

The voices downstairs quiet down and then I hear silent footfalls heading up. My eyes widen as I wait for who it is. I can't believe Aiden is sleeping when we might be murdered. My body keeps tensing as I sense them getting closer to our door until I have a hard time breathing. Then with a bang, the door opens and all hell breaks loose. 

Omg can I just say Poodle. 

Hmm? are you asking me why I said that? Oh it's because I can.. hehe

So who do you think that is? Someone evil? and what do you think about her conscience? do you want to see more of her? 

Anyway today's hashtag is..

drumroll please..



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