awkward moments and unfair fathers

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I open my eyes to the safety of my room.

My hands search for something without the knowledge of my mind. When I can't find it I sit up in bed. Looking around I see the alpha of the neighboring pack sleeping in a chair by my bed. Shocked I stumble out of the bed.

My awkward fall wakes up the alpha and with wide eyes, he stands up and gives me a hand. Taking his hand in mine I feel a shock pass through. We both shudder.By now I'm pretty sure that he is my mate but what I'm worried about is what will dad say? Does dad know? Does Rosy?

"Thanks," I whisper. I feel so awkward right now! What am I supposed to say to the alpha of the pack we believe to have killed one of our own? Am I supposed to just fall into his arms and ask him to take me to his pack? Or am I supposed to reject him? The thought of rejecting him makes me want to vomit.

Never in the history of mating has anyone rejected their mate. It was said that when one did it was a painful process and most mates killed themselves because they can't handle the pain.

"So. You are my mate?" I raise my eyebrow at his ridiculous question. Obviously, I am your mate mister or else I wouldn't have jumped into your arms, now would I? Realizing that my hand still rested in between his, I quickly pull them away. We both cringe when I do it.

"I believe that is correct. Also, sorry. I would never have just. You know? Jumped into your arms. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me alpha." I say as I bow down.

My dad taught me that whenever we address an alpha from another pack we call them alpha or sir and bow to them until they say to stand up again. We did in our pack and it was only right if we did it in other packs as well.

He growls. Startled I look up. He seemed to be upset at something. Maybe he doesn't like my apology? Or was I supposed to bed down even farther? Before I could act on my thoughts his hand shoots out and holds me in place. With wide eyes, I stare up at him.

"Never bow down to me or anyone else. And never, ever apologize for something that was beyond your control. You understand?" perplexed I start to babble.

"But what if I'm bending down for something and someone was in front of me? Isn't that like bowing down too? And what if something was in my control and I messed up? Can I apologize then? Or is that not allowed?

"You know by saying I should never apologize you just gave me the freedom to pretend that something that was in my control was not in my control so I don't have to apologize for it." wait, did that make sense?

By the looks on his face, I don't think that did. Blushing I look away. A few minutes later when my heart was on the verge of combusting he starts to laugh. He has a nice laugh, one that makes you want to laugh with the person.

Told you my awkwardness is awesome

"Umm, sorry," he says when he sees the look on my face. "I wasn't laughing at you, it was more like at what you said. Man, do you always speak like that?"

"No, it only comes out when I'm nervous and right not I'm nervous because I don't know what to do. Are you going to reject me? I wouldn't be surprised if you did. I'm too awkward and weird to be considered anyone's mate.

"Just know that when you reject me I won't really hold anything against you. I know how I am and I already expected that whoever was my mate would reject me and you are an alpha! No one would be mad at you if you said no to me.

"Maybe my dad, though. He's pretty possessive. He will be upset with you and maybe also want to hit you but don't worry, I'll manage him. He can't be upset at someone who made the rig-"

Suddenly my rambling gets cut off by a large hand on my mouth.

"Do you ever shut up? I am NOT going to reject you. If I did I would have already gone back to my own pack and not have stayed with you for 5 hours.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? I don't even know you and then the first time we meet you faint. I was going out of mind not knowing what was happening.

"Your pack doctor said it was some mind trauma and that you should be waking up in a few hours but when those hours stretched on from 1 to 2 to 5, I saw my life flash before my eyes because once I saw you I never wanted to let you go." he finishes his rant.

"Sorry, I just.. I'm not really good in the confidence area. And then on top of that, you don't seem to like our pack and nor does mine like yours. I know my dad will accept you once he knows I'm your mate but I thought. You know what I thought."

"I don't hate your pack. I never have. Your dad was the one who barged into our territory the first-day firing insults and threats to everyone in my pack and then when one of your own disappeared he blamed my pack for it.

"And then today my brother comes to me and says that someone from your pack insulted him and jumped him too. Now tell me, over these past 3 weeks have we ever walked into your territory?

"I know some members of my pack were at your border playing pranks and stuff but they never physically harmed anyone nor did they trespass even once. Then how did we turn out to be the bad guys?"

He does have a point. I never really tried to understand them before. Always thinking that they were the bad guys without any proof. Some people may say I'm biased because I'm now his mate but everything he said is true and I bet if dad was here even he would agree.

I'm confused about one thing, though.

"If no one from your pack took John, then who did?" I ask quizzically.

"We were wondering that ourselves. After your dad came in accusing us, we started to ask around so we can find who did it and prove our innocence. Just recently reports came in saying that other packs around this area have experienced something similar but no one has seen or heard from this mysterious killer."

Before I could reply the door slams open and dad, Ben, Russell and the two men from my mate's pack walk in. seeing me awake dad quickly walks towards me before engulfing me in a hug. My mate tenses but doesn't do anything other than that.

"Why are you standing up? The doctor said that you should be resting the whole day even when you wake up. Didn't your mate tell you that." he says the word mate with so much venom that I cringe.

"Dad don't be mean. Even if he had told me I wouldn't have listened to him. You know I hate lying down in bed for too long. I feel suffocated and claustrophobic if I do." I whisper to him. I know the others heard it nonetheless but I don't care.

Turning towards my mate I see him clenching his teeth. "Can I have a moment with my dad?" I ask.

Dad makes a threatening growl but it doesn't affect him. He takes his time before he nods and walks out of the room with the other men.

"Dad I know you don't like him but he told me things that make me feel like we just misjudged them. Can you not give him and his pack a chance? For me? Please?" I beg. if I'm going to accept my mate I need to know that they won't kill each other. Only then will I say yes.

"Well, then he is lying because just this morning I got news that one of the members of his pack was seen right before John disappeared. They also found tracks of two men, one walking and the other dragged in the mud which leads all the way to the Night Howlers border where it then vanished.

"I know he's your mate but more than you finding your mate I need to keep the safety of the pack in mind. I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't allow you to accept your mate" his words break something in me. Something I don't think any super glue would be able to fix.

As I walk out towards my mate all I can think about is that I don't even know his name. 

yoohoo! I'm here!! 

So what do you think about what the alpha said? 

Do you think her father was fair? was he right? 

vote and comment!! 

Hasta la Vista my people!

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