The store

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--" CVS?" Cleden asked. " why are we at CVS? What could you possibly want to do here?"

They had finally pulled up at their destination and Cleden couldn't have been more confused as to why Zoe chose to go to CVS on a Friday night when they could have hit the town like they had always done. They would always go hit up a bar to get some drinks and dump them on people before they ran out of the place. Those were the times that Cleden cherished with Zoe. He absolutely love doing fun things with her because he got to see her in her element. So he questioned why in the world she would go to a boring store like this. Did she like shopping?

--" because.... we're going to do something fun tonight." She told him. "Have you ever tried 5 hour energy Cleden?"

--" oh no. What are you planning?" He asked knowing there was no good answer.

Without answering him she led him into the store and walked right over to the section with the small bottles of 5 hour energy in all sorts of flavors.

--" we are going to have a competition of sorts." She explained. " whoever can drink the most bottles in 2 minutes wins and gets to make the loser do whatever they want. and the loser has to do whatever they say, no questions asked. Got it?"

--" oh yeah. I'm so gonna win." Cleden said up and ready now. They each got 10 bottles in different flavors and took them to the cash register.

--" hello I'm Brayden and i will be on the cash register today." The store clerk said. " did you find everything you needed?"

--"yup" Cleden replied. "We are having a 5 hour energy competition and we've got all the 5 hour energy we could need."

-- " I can see that, well I hope it goes well. Be responsible you two , and don't do anything illegal alright?" Brayden said. " your total is $15.95"

Zoe pulled out her wallet and payed for the both of them adding the extra money from her 20 dollar bill to the tip jar.

--" thank you. Have a nice day and come again!" Brayden told them as they walked out the door.

--" thanks, you too" Zoe said back. They walked out side and went to their left to go sit down at the bench that CVS had. That's when she spotted Geoffrey out of the corner of her eye. He was with his sister, one of Zoe's best friends, Peyton. They were putting some groceries into the back of Peyton's small green car.

--" that's the last of them" Peyton said to her brother. " you were supposed to get them earlier after meeting with Zoe. You said that you were going to have some great news and bring Zoe to the party after getting the ingredients for the cake with her. What happened? And where is she, you said she was coming?" Peyton kept rambling on to her brother, Geoffrey, about some kind of traditional cake.

Zoe knew what this meant. This meant that Geoffrey had not told his sister, Zoe's friend, that they broke up. She still thought that they were dating happily and that Zoe was still coming to their annual saint Patrick's day celebration which she had promised to come to after missing the one last year. She was their guest of honor and therefore was to make the green cake that they always made and cut it. It was a big deal to them, and something Zoe never understood. But one thing she did understand was that if they saw her the truth would come out. Peyton would find out that her friend broke her brother's heart, Geoffrey would see Cleden, and Cleden would find out everything that had happened that day. Cleden absolutely could not know. That was the last thing Zoe wanted. He didn't know anything about Geoffrey or that Zoe had even been dating anyone at all and Zoe really didn't want to mess things up with Cleden. He meant the world to her, and she was 5 feet away from that world collapsing right infront of her. And that's when it happened.

--" Zoe? "

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