The kiss

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Zoe was the first to break away from the kiss. She stared at him in shock. It was nothing like the times she had kissed Geoffrey, this was different. With Geoffrey it was always boring and the same. With Cleden it was a whole new adventure, and Zoe couldn't wait to venture out again. When they kissed there were sparks. It really was magic and Zoe felt she could reach the stars at the top of the world, like she was floating. She never wanted that feeling to end. She wanted to journey with him to infinity and beyond. To travel to the the sky and touch all the clouds. Then to venture. To the top of the universe. And why she pulled away first she didn't know. But she did know that she would go on that adventure again someday. And she would love her happily ever after life, with Cleden. From that kiss she knew that he was the one. No one else had ever made her feel that way. And she doubted that anyone ever would. This kind of true love only came once in a lifetime. And she had found her true love. The person that she wanted to grow old with, and die with. Live the rest of their lives together. Zoe's thoughts flooded her mind like plane at top speed flying through the sky. Then she was snapped back to reality when Cleden jabbed her in the arm then turned around and started running.

--" tag, your it" Cleden yelled over his shoulder as he took of into the field. He couldn't control his energy and started running to get some of it to go away. How else would he be able to go to sleep that night?

Zoe figured that she might as well burn off a few hours of energy as well and started chasing after him. They ran for hours through the field getting small scrapes and cuts on their legs and arms. They would trip, fall, brush past trees and plants, and run into the many bushes and flowers in the field. It gave them scratches all over that they knew would hurt in the morning. They knew that they would probably regret this whole night but for now, they were just living in the moment. And they were happy with just that, and just enjoyed eachother's company. It helped because they both had things on their mind. Zoe had Geoffrey and Peyton to deal with and had to explain the situation to Cleden on top of that. Cleden on the other hand just wanted someone to be with him when he went to him and his mom's special place for the first time after she died. Neither wanted to talk about the things bothering them, but the other understood and they were there for each other.

Eventually, after hours of running around they had both tired out. It was now early morning, although they weren't sure what time, and they could see the sun starting to rise. It reminded Cleden of the early morning visits to the market in Germany. Him and his mom went every Sunday to get groceries for the week. And sometimes Cleden got to go by himself, it made him feel responsible but really it was just because his mom was sick and couldn't walk. She would get that way sometimes and when that happened she wanted Cleden out of the house so he wouldn't see how weak she was. Cleden always thought his mom was strong.

--"I love days like these." Cleden said turning to Zoe. "It's like the sky in Germany, but the sky there never had this many colors. That's why I stay here. And because my mom loved America. She thought it was so pretty, and I never understood. But it's times like these that I know why she stayed."  Zoe stayed silent and just let Cleden talk. He knew that she was listening and felt safe with her and comforted.

Eventually, after a long silence, the 2 of them went back to Cleden's house. They were quiet the whole way there. Half enjoying the view, and half falling asleep. They got back to Cleden's house and parked the motercycle. Then they went into his room and both drifted in to a long blissful slumber, undisturbed by dreams.

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